The Glories Of The Seer-Poet/Poetess. A Dedication to Venkatachari M
Poet-Seers: Mirabai
To My Friend, Venkatachari M, with Love.
I saw the Seer-poetess envisioning the infinite,
A ray of Light, expressing the grandeur of her realm.
A beacon of eloquence, she entered into my Temple,
Painting its shrine with a calligraphy of flowers, as she called:
“Come! Come!” Let us dance in the forest with my Queen.”
Ever conscious of her innate splendour,
She wove Love’s celestial tabernacles,
Designing a peerless necklace, in the sacred sanctum of the Heart.
Come let us fly! She whispered.
Beyond a glimmering sunlight, glistening on the crest of rainbows,
We flew to the abode of Coleridge, singing:
“Prose: words in their best order;
Poetry: the best words in their best order.”
I heard the howling tornadoes of the night,
Saw the raindrops, tap-dancing on my window.
As the Light of the horizon, rode over the waves of Zion.
Thus Love became a gleaming fountain,
Spouting through the Palace of my Soul.
Heaven's Glories
So here we were, with one hundred roses of Delight.
Through the mist did I seek her,
A fellow Pilgrim of the Sun.
Like lovers, we held hands,
Walked romantically on sapphire dreams.
Exchanged exquisite and eloquent songs of the Spirit;
Touched Hearts with our scribbling fragrances;
Peeped into the promise of tomorrow’s awakening morn.
We touched and kissed in our hearts,
Embraced in the ether, and overflowed in exultation.
Calligraphy of Flowers
Like butterflies, our spirits met in flight,
Soared elegantly,
While singing Psalms to infinitude.
Yet the river of life moves on.
This tide of Consciousness beckons us,
We Sojourners along the Path.
And with all its trials and disenchantments,
It is still a beautiful dream called Love.
Our journey continues to blossom and harvest,
As happiness bubbles forth,
Into the newness and fullness of our lives.
We share equally in our sorrows,
And reap together, the joys of Beauty’s banquet.
Thus will we sing Life’s soothing beatitudes,
Permeating a perennial excellence,
Into the splendour of each Soul.
-Manatita, 13th August, 2016.
~ Awakening The Inner Light ~
Beauty and Charisma
Wisdom from the Master
"Against the power of the inner joy,
The loudest drum is nothing but a tiny toy." - Sri Chinmoy
Calligraphy of flowers
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© 2016 manatita44