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The Introverted Pitch Lady

Updated on January 10, 2016

Tips For the Introverted Entrepreneur

I'm bad at crowdfunding.

Between you and me, I solidly believe in my projects. But, even saying that "I believe in my projects" -- getting that out in silent, typed characters on this Hub, while sitting in my safety net of solitude... feels wrong.

I'm bad at tooting my own horn.

I see all of these videos on sites like KickStarter and IndieGoGo and such... produced by people with amazing ideas and projects, and funding high enough to match their level of enthusiasm.

I think I'll get there one day soon, but for the past few years I've found ways to counter my introversion so that it doesn't hold me back from producing my work.

If there are any introverts out there reading this, you understand the hurdles to which I'm referring.

Catastrophizing: Anything that could possibly go wrong with the process of putting your work out there for everyone to see, you imagine happening. And you imagine it happening so much that it's exhausting. Who has the time or energy to go through with it all? So you quit before you get started, or put little effort into the launch (just so you can say you tried.)

  • FIX: Here's a fix for catastrophizing. Go at your own pace. Review everything you need to do for your project. Write out your goals and go through the process as though you are going to launch your project soon, but instead of feeling the crippling pressures of those goals weighted by your catastrophizing, give yourself a break. Remember that you are the CEO of this project. You're the boss. Set a schedule that works for you. Set deadlines and expectations that meet your standards. Once you get into a pattern of listening to your internal clock instead of the external smog of everything you should be doing according to your last google search, you will find that machine you were searching for to power your project is in the unique method of your own goals and pacing. Once you fall into your own pattern, you will feel in control, and the anxieties that were once so heavy will no longer weigh you down. But don't take my word for it. (That reference was for my fellow 80s babies -- 90s kids.)

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

I highly recommend this book to any introverts out there, especially writers in media and entertainment. This book will inspire, and comfort you.

"Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person" By Shonda Rhimes gives me life. This book gave me that feeling Michael Jackson's "You Are Not Alone" does when I listen to it. It was the most encouraging thing ever to see that this successful woman shares some of my same fears. She shows me that it definitely is possible to push past the obstacles of introversion.

Shonda decided to conquer this obstacle by saying "yes" to every opportunity that came her way for one year. Instead of talking herself out of an opportunity by thinking up all the bad stuff that could happen, she just said "yes" to everything.

This isn't something that I'm willing to try for myself, yet, but one day when I'm ready I think I might take on the challenge.

Read 'Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person'

Marketing For Introverted Entrepreneurs

Photo by:  James Mosley
Photo by: James Mosley | Source

Marketing For Introverts

Don't try to copy extroverts. Think of what strengths you have, and what you have done to draw attention in the past. What works for you?

Create your unique machine around what works for you. For example, I've had my eye on creating YouTube vlogs for years, but talking in front of a camera feels too awkward for me. And after I make a video I don't feel that I've accomplished anything I want to share. And, if I don't want to share it, I won't. This defeats the purpose, and creates anxiety and a sense of failure. You don't have to copy the extroverts. Follow your unique strengths and interests.

In my case, I like to write. So Hubpages was a better alternative to YouTube.

Try this activity. Make a list of the marketing strategies that you have felt pressure to try, but will not because your introversion is getting in the way. Then, brainstorm for alternatives. Come up with a unique action plan. You'll enjoy the process.

You Are Not Alone. Chime in. How do you share with the world?

What has been the best marketing technique for you as an Introverted Entrepreneur?

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