The Look For Love
The Look For Love
Individuals looking for love on the outside, but pure love should be inside everybody, a true element that resonates inside of the body.
no one falls in love, to fall is to fail and then one will need to get up, love is never a way that with individuals set up.
love is carried inside, love makes you see the truth from every lie.
love is shown from one love and the barer of another it will make a wave, true love is around to help, direct shelter, and save it is enormous and growing it moves in a spiritual wave.
You carry love from a genuine heart of being, with a truthful element that in your ways its true caring ways will be seen,
you can find love through a genuine one, that also shares love instead of hating on everyone.
Love is a blissful element it does not need to fall, Love cares and is embraced by those who know it, love will show a true representation to all.
Love is truth, it is caring, it is helping those in need that has fallen in some ways, it is a sheltering from a storm, it is giving true guidance to those who have none.
Love never asked for anything in return, it just does what it is supposed to do,
love is always about showing its true and helpful works to everyone even you.
Yes love is walking with some people and it is always strong and direct, it feels other's pains and helps them up, pure love never has regrets.
It helps others and that is what it is supposed to do, true love helps those in need of help and it never walks with a receipt in hand, to say pay me for what services I give to this woman or that man,
its help is natural and true and when one sees love in a person they will know it is genuine and true.
© 2020 The Eloquent Heart Writer