The New Hubber
When a young mother has a baby boy, there are really no words that can express just what he means to her. My baby boy is all grown up now and sometimes there still are no words. He's a 22 year old college student, majoring in Asian Studies and has a love of Anime. I have no idea where his fascination for this culture came from, but I'm happy that he is doing what he wants. What makes me even happier is what a great writer he has turned out to be.
I majored in English when I was in college. My son was just little all those nights I spent studying and writing for school. He would pull out his Little Golden Books and highlight sentences as he had watched me do so many times. I hoped he would someday find a love of English himself.
That didn't happen. Not even close. He hated his English classes growing up. He was always a great student academically, so wasn't I shocked to find out that the one class he had failed was English! I had to wonder if he wasn't just being spiteful. He wasn't a spiteful child, so I chalked it up to him just not falling in love with English and writing as I had. I now had to use his hatred for English class and writing as a tool to discipline him. Disobey? Ok, sure, you can now write an essay for me. His writings were of course sarcastic, as he is, but they were always very well written.
Chris Qu
My son eventually started to write. Whether it was short stories or papers for school, everything my son wrote made me so unbelievably proud. Last year he let me read a short story he had written and I was blown away. Not even so much by the fact that he had written it, although that shocked me too, but just by how well it was written. Last week, he e-mailed me another short story. Again, just so proud.
Last night I left him a voice mail and told him about Hub Pages. Today he called to tell me there was a link in my e-mail; a link to two Hubs he wrote last night. This morning, this mom is beaming with pride!
We talked over Thanksgiving and he told me he'd like to be a writer. I think he may also want to be a teacher. I'm hoping with his Asian Studies background, his love for little kids, and his amazing ability to write, that the world will be his oyster. It's so great to be the proud mother of our new Hubber, Chris Qu.