The Song Remembers
My Mama
The Song Remembers
The Song Remembers
Even when we don’t
Recall the moment
Every hour of every day
But then it happens
That song that played
When you were a child
When you were playing
Hiding and Seeking
To swing a little higher than you did the day before
Convinced if you swing high enough
You would touch the sky
When you never ran out of anything to do
When there were more games
To win and play
More skinned knees and prayers to say
The Song Remembers
When you think you have forgotten
Those times when
You made choices you now know were wrong
But can’t go back and do them over again
The Song Remembers
That day when
You got to swim
All alone
You and the water
Feeling of serenity
Feeling of space
Just the rays of the sun
Warming your face
The Song Remembers
The love of your life
The one you gave your heart to
Not once but twice
The Song Remembers
Not just the glory
But also the pain
Of all the days and years
When the rain outside
Could not compete with your tears
The Song Remembers
Sunday afternoons
Saturday walks
Hand in Hand
Sometimes quiet
Sometimes a lot of talk
The Song Remembers
Those long nights
When all you could do was pace
When everything seemed hopeless
For the deeds had been done
No matter how many people around
You felt you were the only one
The Song Remembers
No matter how long you are in the race
And if you are me
I remember you mama
and your
Amazing Grace
© 2013 ocfireflies