The Value In Some Days
The value in some days
Is in their total
Lack of value.
Being only certain
Of uncertainty
Provides a certain
Freedom from
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
It's made of
this thing called
Mine -
this time -
So precious to me
Next time,
Could be wasted
Or sublime
with pleasures
tasted every minute,
Or never strife resolved
To say the truth
That's in it.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
It is the dawn ~
The dusky cosmos
Gives way to sun disk.
The sounds of stillness
Glow rose upon my soul.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The morning's world's
To the inner state of me.
I could be dying here,
And even so, -
In that same moment,
The dew glistens,
A bird sings,
The breezes blow,
The sun arises,
The cocks crow,
A squirrel listens,
A church bell rings.
No surprises.
But there is a kind of comfort in it.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Heavens, open up
Your floors
And shower Earth
The dwindled streams
Await your flow,
The fields and trees
Are thirsty - so
Open up
To wanting Earth
Below ~
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Wispy clouds
Finger the sky
And test
For signs
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
I watch,
The bird
Take flight
As wings begin to widen.
And in the quiet
Hours of night,
Their sounds
Caress my ears,
As spring begins to dawn,
Assuring me he's safe.
It is my best
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
If only they moved up the glass
Fruitful life
Goes begging
While futile life is fed.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay