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The city of golden gates: a marvel on the Earth

Updated on May 5, 2012

Once an artist drew a marvel

With god's sparkle in the dark

From nowhere came a maiden

Leaving her eternal mark.

The eternity flows ice-like,

And the canvas warms our hearts

By this difficult creation.

This is where true love starts.

And the sinners strive perfection

Both the noble and the mob,

And to grab her gracely action

They would either buy or rob.

Death-like go through resurrection

To complete their sinful lives

While the ever-young perfection

Keeps on them her loving eyes.

City of the past
City of the past

If the reader could travel with me 400 000 years back inside the flying saucer of the atlas, that is circling over the capital city of the Toltec - the City of Golden Gates - then, with a surprised eye he would see the image of a fantastic city. Imagine: a huge 12-million city stretches like the lines on the palm of your hand. The majority of sky-scrapers are of cylindrical or octagon form and are up to one kilometer high. Between them there are buildings that have the form of balls with transparent walls and buildings in form of truncated pyramids that are placed one on another, up to half a kilometer high. Buildings of elliptical form and pear-like buildings are placed on metallic basements and shine with the lights of their upper floors like lamps. The city is built from colorful plastic materials and metals unknown to our scientists. Far down, between the buildings, springs and roads grow, fountains and colorful gardens blow. Transparent streets, clean and wide, like rivers, flow one over another and join radial prospects that lead to the center of the city. Alongside mirror-like roads and squares atlas walk together with strange animals and unusual plants. In the centers of the lakes and squares huge statues of the friends of atlas from other planets are erected. The monuments are made from gold, orichalcum or transparent crystal.

City of Golden Gates
City of Golden Gates

The domes and the walls of transparent buildings sparkle and shine with all the possible rainbow colours. The city is pierced in all the directions by thin laser rays. Alongside them abdominous public transport cars fly bravely. These numerous stripy devices resemble a swarm of busy bees fertilizing a flower bed. Warping city public cars take from one to one hundred and forty passengers each and with no time go two kilometers up. In the western part of this terribly nice city a volcano of light has grown. Here lives beautifully and works fruitfully the Fire Stone. It is a whole crystal with a diameter of 1700 meters lying on the roof of a cylindrical building at a height of 400 meters over the earth. Northern lights radiate in waves from the bright crystal in every possible direction. Like a blooming gigantic rose, the Stone tosses out more and more of yellow, red and white petals. These prominencies of light of 20 kilometers of height slowly and charmingly fall upon wild forests, Adam's apple-like mountains and thick winds that grow around the capital.  

Underwater city
Underwater city

To the east from the city of Golden Gates one can see a scaly ocean. Through the moving layers of water the yellow light of the underwater city stubbornly shoots through. Between the port that bows with its lifting cranes and the underwater city, that lies ten kilometers away from the city of Golden Gates, multiple lights travel quickly. These are different flying, sailing and submarine boats that take workers and scientists from the city to the bottom of the ocean. 

Robot the gardener
Robot the gardener

Not far from the city center there is a district that has become a museum. It is an old city - the former Salidon city. To its central golden gates multiple tourists flow resembling the exhibits of zoos from other planets, and shaved students of the school of priests. The conserved district consists of seven colorful rings, inserted one inside another. Eight round walls separate fossilized houses, long-eared parks and stiff museum cathedrals. Four water channels, stadiums, hippodromes, theaters of museum city also have a circle form. Outer wall, hiding the antedeluvian past is composed of heavy pieces of granite. It is 50 meters high and 10 meters wide. The next polish wall is made of marble. It is 30 metres high and 8 meters thick. Then metallic walls follow: copper, bronze, platinum, silver, orichalcum, golden. Pyramid roofs of the snobbish mansions and lace bridges looking into mirror channels, are made of sparkling fantasy and gold. Order and cleanliness in the streets and inside citizens' heads are observed by meticulous robots made of soft plastic. they are dressed in the uniform of gardeners, waiters and policemen. Only five pyramids behind three last walls keep on working with all their might. Bright pillars of golden light rush from their sharpened summits and get entangled in the cold tresses of the Cosmos. The entrance to this place is closed for tourists. 

To the north from the capital a huge space launching site is situated built especially to accept heavy transport ships from stars and launching of multi-level problems and difficult tasks in the open space. 

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