The Feelings of a Topper
The feelings of a Topper
A Topper knows about this stroke
How it feels to be at top
A Topper tells about this fact
It feels like a bird safe in nest
A Topper feels himself the best
Because he takes little rest
A Topper follows every fashion
Because it becomes it's passion
A Topper feels flying in the sky
It's like an eagle flying high and high
A Topper seems very ambitious
He knows how much it's precious
A Topper advances towards his goal
It's like advancing towards a knoll
A Topper knows it's complex
He also knows he is the best
A Topper becomes advance and advance
He knows to control every circumstance
A Topper bears everything hard
He knows it will bring him the reward
Everyone makes a Topper ideal
Because he follows every schedule
A Topper knows about this stroke
How it feels to be at top.