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The killing: A Poem About the Taking of a Life

Updated on November 10, 2024
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Jo has been an ITU nurse at the London North West NHS Trust for 14 years. She obtained her RN at University College London Hospital.

For Isaac Stone aka Dynamikk..Rest easy cuz
For Isaac Stone aka Dynamikk..Rest easy cuz | Source

"If a mother is mourning not for what she has lost but for what her dead child has lost, it is a comfort to believe that the child has not lost the end for which it was created.

C.S. Lewis

No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.

Author unknown

The Killing

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”

Author: Anonymous

“One day, a son asked his father,

Why is it always the best people who die?”

The father answered, Son if you are in a meadow,

which flowers do you pick? The worst ones or the best?”

Author unknown

I wrote this poem "The Killing" after receiving some devastating news that the teenage grandson of my cousin had been killed in a knife attack. I was shocked!!.. Then angry, but the overwhelming feeling is one of deep, profound sadness for the utter waste of two young lives.

I find the wanton taking of a life incomprehensible, yet so many young men continue to die in such a violent and unacceptable way.

There is something patently wrong in a society where children, some as young as ten, believe that it is acceptable to carry a weapon. While some environments can be perceived as violent, many are not, yet, the attitudes and behaviour of many youngsters are that they must be tough and aggressive to avoid becoming the targets of violence and aggression. They think that by carrying a weapon they can protect themselves, but the reverse is true.

By carrying a weapon, they are in effect, adapting to, and continuing the cycle of the same violent behaviour they believe will ensure their safety and survival, but are resulting in more young lives wasted, more mother's tears and more communities asking what went wrong.

My heart goes out to Yvette and her family at this overwhelmingly sad time.

The Killing

They kill for love

They kill for hate

They say it's written in their fate

They kill for power

They kill for gold

Their souls are cheaply bought and sold

They kill for country

They kill for kin

Or simply because of the colour of a skin

They kill in anger

They kill in fear

Love is the music they can not hear

They kill for God

They kill for religion

In their oxymoronic confusion

They kill out of jealousy

To settle old scores

Resentment festers like rotting sores

They care not whose blood they spill

They do not stop to count the cost

When our precious gifts are lost

They kill to fill an empty void

The killing takes from everyone

For beauty dies when hope is gone

By J Alexis-Hagues © February 2014


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