On The Run
On The Run.
Here is the prologue and some general information for my second book.
The young girl stood in complete shock as she watched the neighbor through her small bedroom window, not totally trusting her own eyes after lack of sleep and exhaustion. But after blinking a few times it was completely clear to her that she was not mistaken on what she is witnessing. There through that same window her best friend and herself spent long nights looking at the stars through; talking of everything under the sun and giggling as they thought of that attractive boy everyone was after. Talking and getting lost in the wonderful glittery shimmer of white dots amongst a pitch black sky. It is almost completely dark except for the drop of the full moon and its beautiful glow it gave off, giving it the illusion there was an actual ring around it. And now, years later she is gazing out that same window; under the same glistening astronomy, in the same bedroom but far from those same feelings and emotions. She stood there frozen as she couldn't decide what move to make next, whether to find an escape or not. She quickly darted her gaze around but finding absolutely no hope of an exit. A feeling of complete fear and anger sank in her chest as she heard the footsteps getting closer. She suddenly got light headed. The terror capsized so deep in her gut it felt as if she has swallowed a boulder; weighing her down and taking away all possible access to air. As she got totally overwhelmed and hardened with the feeling of dread, her eyes stuck wide open unable to blink in fear of something attacking her in those mere milliseconds that her eyes were closed, and hearing every single sound in the room listening for those dreadful footsteps going from soft to louder and louder. She began to have a panic attack and feeling her entire back and chest get tighter making it difficult to breath as if the air was contaminated with smoke. But she couldn’t help but have a feeling of wrath overpower the weakness of terror. She took a deep breath and held it and listened, making sure she could hear exactly what was going on. Then without thinking she reaches for the bat she had stored in her closet. As she held it in her hands in a defensive position she stops again listening for the footsteps. They are definitely closer now; they have to be right outside her door now. She grabs it so tight her knuckles begin to turn white. And staring at that doorknob as it slowing began to turn; she took a deep breath, swallowed deeply gripped the bat even tighter and then like a popsicle left in the sun all the fear and anxiety she once felt have melted away as she lunged with all her might at the person who was on the other side of the door.
This book was written in inspiration to my ability to absorb others emotions. I feel a great amount of energy around other people. I love surrounding myself with the kind of people that give me positive vibes. I really enjoyed writing this book because it's got so many twists and turns it made my heart race as I was writing it and coming up with new ideas simply got me more excited. I hope that you can find as much joy in reading it as I did writing it, or make of it what you will.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2012 Virginia