They Say - In Honor of My Students
They Say
They say I am brave-
But they don't see the ones who come to school hungry and smile like there is nothing strange going on their lives
They say that I am lucky-
But they don't see the ones who make their own luck by dressing themselves, feeding themselves, getting themselves to the bus stop - and they are only five years old
They say that I'm a fighter-
But they don't see the ones fighting for their very lives - sometimes literally -and have the bruises to show for their troubles
They say that I should be happy-
But they don't see the tears I wipe from a child's face because a parent forgot her birthday again
They say that I am confident-
But they don't see the ones that barely know the sounds of the letters in the alphabet get in front of the class and read for the first time
They say that I have courage-
But they don't see the little girl who were nearly killed in a car accident - in a coma for weeks - come back to school to give 4th grade another try, even though the brain injury still causes tremors and she can't walk or talk as well as she used to
They say that I am tough-
But they don't see the little boy who stands between his mothers wrath and his baby brother
They say I'm a good teacher-
But they don't see the ones who have taught me to keep on going through all the trials and troubles that life throws at us
I say that I wish I could be more like them: brave, lucky, confident, happy, courageous, tough teachers and fighters. I want to be like them when I grow up.