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Things I Learned From the Book, From Teen to Teen by Pham Ho Vuong

Updated on June 2, 2020
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I am a vivid reader, I love reading books especially self-help books, they help me to understand the facts of life.

Self Help Book
Self Help Book


From Teen to Teen: How to attain your best life, is a book written by a sixteen-year-old author named Pham Ho Vuong. This Vietnam author had clearly jotted down valuable lessons of life with perfect examples and short stories. He had written his own experiences and proven methods that he had experienced in his life in such a manner that every reader can relate to his book. It's a life-changing guide especially for the teenagers which will enable them to reach their goals if they follow these rules honestly and sincerely. Here are a few points which I tried to extract from the book that I learned and hope it will definitely going to help me in the long run.

Life Lessons from the book

  • A successful life begins with good actions. Good actions will lead to good habits. Good habits cultivate good qualities, and good qualities allow us to live a successful life but these things should get started at an early age of life.
  • Don't let what you have already possessed, blur your vision of something better. Life is an ongoing process when we make ourselves stagnant at a point when we reach the goal, progress slows down. Most of us cannot achieve what we truly want in life because we get easily satisfied with ourselves. Self-satisfaction is much deceptive than fear.
  • Always have a tremendous thrust for knowledge, as it is the best tool that can help you to go further. Be unconditionally loyal to your core values and beliefs.
  • Taking some calculative risks is highly essential to take a step further in your life.
  • Indolence is primitive, natural, and invincible. We cannot blame ourselves for this quality, as all of us are born with it and will die with it. However, we can do is suppress it. However, what we can do is suppress it and maintain it at a minimum level, and to the extent we can, each of us controls our slothfulness and decide how successful we will be in life.
  • You need a strong will and persistence in doing things you don’t enjoy.
  • You have to cut off all the distractions from your life by sacrificing certain things that fascinate you like to stay away from social media.
  • Always try to see things from a different angle. Not necessarily what you are thinking
  • Always open to criticism and advice, by this, you can suppress your ego. You can develop yourself if you can able to use them constructively. A truly admirable friend is someone who will criticize and give you honest advice when you have nothing, and then you have everything.

Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without a disaster-Sun Tzu9

  • Planning is very important in life. Plans and records of progress are the best supportive tools to help us concentrate on achieving our goals. Planning gives you specific directions to achieve our goals. Help you determine the feasibility of what you are doing, and how to enhance it.
  • Self discipline is the key to success.13. Reading books are important
  • Happiness and joy are invaluable, a nd their value is inexplicable and undeterminable. However, it is certain that they are an infinite source of motivation and strength that acts as a fuel of our engine so we have the courage and persistence to achieve what we want.
  • No matter how much stress life puts on you, always keep a daring, and energetic attitude that I know will always get you where you want to be in life.
  • You truly live when you are able to stay hungry, stay foolish, and always head for the turbulent sea out there, sailing to places that no one has ever done before, doing things that are considered impossible. Only then are you able to compose your own epic melody of your life and make it a precious heritage not only for you but for many generations to come
  • No one has ever achieved something great without stepping out of their safe zone and heading for the new zone.
  • With risk comes failure. But with failure comes lessons and experience that toughen us every time we fall.
  • Each of us has our own hidden potential. Our job is to discover it,sharpen it,have faith in it,and along with other qualities,it will get us wherever we want.


If you really want to achieve something then books can show you the way. This thought-provoking book is one of them. It's the strong root beneath the surface, that makes the plant-strong. Books are those roots that make your knowledge stronger.

© 2020 Suchismita Pradhan


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