Things that make ya say...HMMMMMM
Things that make you go...............HMMMMMMMMMMMM
1) A friend of mine were out the other day.....the stop lite was changed to second went by and the car behind me was honking!
2) Yesterday my poodle Julie got away from me....she was attacking a neighbors dog.......Julie ran round and round this calm and cool older dog. I was out of breath trying to catch her...... I was apoligizing to her and her sweet dog. They both just stood there looking so sweet and kind. She said it was no problem at all. all I could think That is not normal!! But was so appreciated!!
3) This has been a few years evening, Haley (daughter) had closed her door...Nic(my other poodle) had scratched at it a few time.....but to no avail. What I saw next astonished me....he turned his tail to the door.....and started knocking with his tail........sounded like my Haley opened the door.
4) My pc does this all the time...and some others that I.M with say it happens when they chat with me...but the audibles will just present themselves or our font will change on its own.....I have actually seen the SEND button enter itself..............way before i was ready to send............sometimes that is a problem....especially when I had just spelled part of the last word ....................made for some explaining for me to do...........ha ha
5) Lately I have been having dreams that are not my norm..........military type dreams of war or doulbe agent type dreams.......I am hearing now that the same nights some of my friends were dreaming the same things...
6) the homeless people near where i live have much better cell phones than I.............course I have a tracphone...but a few I see have Blackberry phones............. ughhhhhhh couple are under the age of 25..........and hold great conversation...
7) A few months ago...I was askin a lady at Wendys....could she tell me about the breading on the different types of chicken advertised (nuggets. boneless wings, ect.) She said "'s all the same....chicken nuggets...with different sauce"
8) When I have company over...they laugh at me at my extra precautions about keeping mold at bay ( i put food trash in the freezer until trash take out time, I wont put wet paper towels in trash either, i wring washcloths out hard core and hang them to dry....ect) then the next week I find not only them doing it...but they have instructed family to do as well too............ I love it!!! mold keeps on growing in the air...even after you took the trash out or washed that wet rag..... knowledge is healthy power!!!!
Thats just a few of the things that make me pause to think.......would love to hear yours as well!!