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Three Acrostic Poems

Updated on October 7, 2014


Giddy laughter

Over juicy details

Senseless chatter

Spreading untruths

Inflicting malicious

Pain to others


GOSSIP - Can be defined as casual conversations about personal matters, personal details about other peoples lives, whether is is a rumor or fact.

Quote - Good gossip is just what's going on. Bad gossip is stuff that is salacious, mean, and bitchy; the kind most people really enjoy. - Liz Smith

Who hasn't gossiped at one time or another? I have done my share of gossiping with friends and especially co-workers. I am ashamed to say that at times I was quite joyful in adding my own two cents to those conversations. To talk about someone and tear their lives apart is nothing to be proud of.

What makes us want to participate in conversations about the personal lives of others with unfounded truths or untruths. To spread harmful rumor can be quite damaging in certain situtations. Does it make us feel better or superior about ourselves? Most likely it does or we wouldn't do it. Or do we gossip just because we can?

Whatever the reason is for us to engage in gossiping, just remember that while you are merrily gossiping about someone, there is sure to be someone merrily spreading gossip about you.



Eying others riches

Needless time spent

Validate only

Your true self worth


ENVY- Can be defined as discontent and resentment over or desire for another's advantages, attainments or possessions.

QUOTE - Envy comes from people's ignorance of, or lack of belief in their own gifts. - Jean Vanier

There are different degrees of envy. It could be as simple as envying a friend's expensive pair of gorgeous shoes that you can't afford. Envy can be more complex as a co-worker receiving a fantastic promotion that you thought belonged to you.

Both these situations may lower your self esteem a bit but your co-workers promotion will have you feeling resentful and wondering why you weren't good enough to get that promotion yourself.

Being envious is a waste of time and energy that could be spent working on your own ambitions and getting what you want in life.




Eyes of green

Accuses her

Lover once again

Of being


Sadly he

Yearns for sanity


JEALOUSY - Can be defined as being fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position.

QUOTE - The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. William Penn

Jealousy can be found in different relationships. In the work place with co-workers, with siblings, even friendships and romantic relationships.

Jealousy in a romantic relationship can be quite harmful and even dangerous. This damaging emotion can even lead to domestic violence. A person feeling insecure about themselves, having no confidence and always doubting their partners affection will surely destroy their relationship.

Being in this type of relationship has highs and lows. You never know when something you are doing or not doing will set the other person off on another jealous tirade. No one wins and trying to make a relationship like that work, will only make both people miserable.



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