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Three Types of Wisdom

Updated on February 21, 2018
Reginald Boswell profile image

Untouched vistas exist beyond the realm of us that use the triple alliance (repetition, faith, and courage).

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Virtual Wisdom

Gathering sense becomes the habit for the naturally inquisitive. It hides well, usually in plain sight and is mostly obscured by false reason. It is readily assessable but must be sought out to unlock its benefits. Virtual Wisdom is like a light placed upon a darkened path. It illuminates and exposes the options for best results in any endeavor. Virtual Wisdom does not have to be esoteric. This wisdom could be already known to others but unknown to some in gathering whatever it takes to succeed. It expands through geometrical progression until it reaches the masses through human interaction. Nowadays, the answer to any question is readily available at your fingertips or on a nearby bookshelf. Ironically, Virtual Wisdom is not yet wisdom but mere knowledge of a right path, but it is filed as wisdom because an effort is needed to gain it.

Exhibit 1a: Like going to school to learn a profession or trade.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Intellectual Wisdom

Knowledge needs a conversion to be wisdom. Intellectual Wisdom gained through Virtual Wisdom is the student of a great teacher named experience. This empirical knowledge can be drawn upon and applied to resolve various obstacles. Also, the observance of the actions of others could preach volumes to your soul and inspire you to action.

Learning from the success or failure of others is a greater teacher than experience but carries less credibility. To succeed by observing others is an incredible feat.

When inspired by others to tread upon the unfamiliar, courage is needed. Courage and faith are the intangibles that are seen clearly as a result of Intellectual Wisdom. Success is bred through the repetition of Courage and Faith, to win in life and to accomplish your goal is the Hallmark of Intellectual Wisdom. Untouched vistas exist beyond the realm of us that use the triple alliance (repetition, faith, and courage). These open the world to vast insight upon plateaus that the world has yet to see.

Exhibit 1b: Like going to school to learn a profession or trade and then getting a job in your area with an appropriate income.

Common Sense Wisdom

The homespun wisdom that requires no book knowledge just plain common sense is best. It guards against self-sabotage and aberrant behaviors. The spiritual engineering project called life built over time needs great care. Carelessness, youthful exuberance and bad behavior can undo much good that it took a lifetime to build. My mother used to say never quit a job until you have another source of income. A steady stream to pay your bills. She reminded me to make up my bed before I left for school. You never knew when visitors might come. These two things speak to the maintenance and preparedness that life's unexpected turns could bring and could jeopardize your hard work. It takes common sense to guard against these.

Exhibit 1c: Like going to school to learn a profession or trade and then getting a job in your area with an appropriate income and keeping it providing for your family with respect in your community and inspiring all through your gifts.

© 2017 Reginald Boswell


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