To Be At War No More
I do not like this war
It has spread far from battle line
Man fights man
Woman fights woman
Child fights child
It is a war of selfishness
One that refuses to end
A product of an uncertain generation
With no goal in sight
The winner seeking only existence
I refuse to fight the battle
I refuse to play the game
I refuse to be at war with people I do not know
I refuse to label
I refuse to take sides
What does the winner gain?
They say “To the victors go the spoils”
But what spoils does this war produce?
Success! Fame! Fortune!
Spoils to be gained at too great a price
I do not like this war
I do not even know my enemy
I long to be at peace
To silence the battle cry
To know love once more
I do not like this war
It is a battle fought in silence
It is a battle fought without shame
I do not like this war
Ambition is its name