Written to Doris Ellen Ruth "Boots"( Nally) Erwin
To My Mother
on the event of
your long and painful struggle.
When you are gone from here
it will not be sorrow
of your death
that we feel and grieve
for we will be glad
you are finally
at rest; without pain.
Yet we will be sorrowful . . .
for who will show us life
the way it’s meant to be?
Who will show us how to be
truly grateful for life’s daily
precious mementos even though
day to day existence
can be flooded with pain?
Who will bring laughter to each passing minute,
not letting that minute pass
without having something
to smile about?
Who will gently guide us
with words of heartfelt wisdom;
though we’ve tried
to convince you that
we obviously know it all
- and then some?
Who will demonstrate
strength of character,
courage of conviction,
and gentleness of compassion
even in the throes
of painful adversity?
No, we are not sad because of your death,
but we will most assuredly remain forever lonely
at the loss of such an amazing life.
We love you.
-Donna Kay Bryan
March 22, 2006