Top 5 Dr Seuss Books for Children
Dr. Seuss believed in children’s eagerness to learn and found a way to make learning fun by not only taking great delight in reading his books but in devouring every page. With pictures to light the page and the imagination, he was surely every child’s dream come true. Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Fox in Socks, Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You? These are the top 5 Dr Seuss books for children.
These results don’t come from any advanced study nor gathering of statistics from far and wide. The favourites have been decided because these are the books my children loved and laughed over, not once or twice but dozens of times. In fact, every time we opened these pages my children giggled and their faces lit up the room. Everyone in the room sang out the rhymes in unison. The words were remembered from one night to the next yet there was always a sense of anticipation at the turn of every page.
Will it be the same tonight? What if somehow the outcome is a little different from the night before? We all know the end of the story. We know that the cat in the hat will get there in the end. But somehow the words are as fresh today as they were yesterday and there is always an element of surprise no matter how many times we have heard the end of the story.
Dr Seuss The Cat in the Hat
Cat in the Hat
Cat in the Hat must take out the prize for the best ever Dr. Seuss tale. Was it because this was the first book recognised by the publishing companies or merely that it was the easiest story to read to children? The rhyme rolls along as easy as the waves hit the shore. Images of the infamous Cat with his cheeky grin and wearing his best hat straight from the circus are enough to hook the youngest reader. What child wouldn’t be content with this story of a simple cat making his mark in the world and winning the day by the end of the book?
Dr Seuss There's a Wocket in My Pocket
There’s a Wocket in my Pocket
What do you have in your pocket? A wocket? What is a wocket? Find out for yourselves in yet another of Dr. Seuss rhyming ditties. The pictures alone will give the game away. You’ve got to love that man Seuss – every child that’s ever read one of his stories will know exactly where I’m coming from.
Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham
Green Eggs and Ham
We’ve all heard of green ham and decided it might be better off in the trash can than in the frying pan. Yet Dr Seuss spins his yarn of green eggs and ham and leaves little doubt that food is as good as we make it. The catchy rhymes in this book have even the smallest toddler chanting away about green eggs and ham and spam I am.
Dr Seuss Fox in Socks
Fox in Socks
Fox in Socks had a big place in our home when my children were little. Partly because my eldest son had a stuffed fox with white socks that he snuggled in to each night but mostly because Dr Seuss brought him to life, the delightful tale of a fox in socks was clearly a winner. The fox that leapt off the pages and into our living room spread joy amongst anyone within ear shot.
Dr. Seuss Says Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?
Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?
Not only can Mr. Brown moo like a cow but he can also go ‘Pop’ like a cork or ‘Klopp’ to make the same sound as a horse’s hooves. Bringing out the best, or worst of any reader, clicking the way through these pages of nonsense sends all ages into shrieks of laughter. Buzz like a bumble bee and before you know it you’ll be making noises bigger and better than Mr. Brown.
The Top Five Dr. Seuss Books for Children
It is with great delight that I bring you the top five Dr. Seuss books for children. Not only did they bring a smile to my children’s faces every night of their young lives but they also reinforced for me the simplicity of words and pictures to not only brighten but lighten any day.
Copyright © 2011 Karen Wilton