Tragidienne: an actress who plays tragic roles
Silent Film Star Marguerite Clark
One Cartwheel Too Many
Because my belly aches
And my thoughts run amuck
Maybe it seems
I am one wrecked truck
That my life
Never seems to shine
Just a “Debbie Downer”
A tragedienne
While it is true
My now’s not the same
There was a time
Of fun and games
Turning cartwheels
Maybe knocked my brain
For I know my head hit the ground
One hundred times before I learned how
To land on my feet
And not on my head
To shake off the not
And celebrate the yes
For there was a time
When I could jump and run and play
Could climb any tree
And hang off of any limb
And it is easy to forget those times back when
All it took was a mud pie to make me grin
While I know there are those who understand
Some see me only as a tragedienne
Makes me wonder about Sylvia Plath,
Gunther and John Donne
“Death Be Not Proud”
For it is not fun for anyone
Robin Williams made us laugh
Yet inside he battled wrath
Maybe someday I will become all bright and shiny
Smile all the time like I did when I was tiny
Sunshine will spill forth
Life of the party
Set sail from every port
Riding the “Good Ship Lollipop”
Separate the poet from the person
Speak not of the grief
Nor share the demons
Slipping into my head as I try to sleep
Slip, slip, slip away
Do all I can to make someone’s day
Be there everywhere
Be what you need
Not speak of confusion
Frustration or pain
Just keep the bands marching
In floods, droughts or thundering pain
Maybe you have noticed
I don’t come around as often as I should
That I don’t show up like I said I would
Too quiet and sheltered from life’s big world
I cut myself off
Hold my tongue
Slash my words
Into bits and pieces
Yes, you are right
There are times when
My darkness overcomes
And it may seem I am nothing but a tragedienne
That is okay
You have the right to see me as you will
But luckily for me I have friends
Who get me and know my pain is real
To them I say: Blessed are ye
For your love and understanding
For your wisdom and care
But most of all for just being there
"On the Good Ship Lollypop"
© 2015 ocfireflies