Tribulations of Mark: Part 3
Porcupines Inn
Continued from part 2
Nairobi clubs, bars, joints or whichever name you give them, are always a beehive of activity. Especially on weekends from Friday which many people prefer calling ‘members day’, these clubs are always filled with revellers.
Most of the well to do Nairobians doesn’t have a problem when it comes to spending their hard or easily earned money (it depends on the source of the money) in these clubs.
The revellers start trickling in as early as 2:00 PM on weekends and 5:00 PM on weekdays when the infamous ‘Mututho’ rules/laws are lifted allowing all Kenyans to enjoy the bottle without worrying about being arrested.
Drinking Beer
Inside the Entertainment Joint
Upon entering these entertainment places, the patrons perch themselves on high stools. They order their favourite drinks and start watering their thirsty throats.
Some you will see them in groups talking and laughing loudly as if they control the whole world. Others are young couples trying to please each other, occasionally throwing half-smiles at their partners.
Yet others are alone. Sullen faces with their red eyes staring at the drinks they are swallowing. You will also find other singles their eyes always roving looking for a partner.
Blaring Music from the Entertainment Joint
Blaring music, in form of entertainment, with decibels beyond those recommended by NEMA, is always supplied in plenty to the drunken merrymakers.
Those who care to dance are always free to join the dance floor and get busy dancing to the DJ's mixed tunes.
And any time there is a football match local or international; the clubs prioritize and capitalize on them, quadrupling their profits by showing those matches.
Ladies of the Night
Ladies of the night are in plenty in these joints. You will find them too perched on high stools their lips red like they have taken raw donkey meat.
Their eyebrows covered with an inch thick eye pencil and bright blue eyeshadow making them look like aliens from Mars. And their manicured fingernails stretched outwards so that they can be visible to inquiring eyes. But do they wear any clothing or they are naked?
When he arrived panting and cursing under his breath at Porcupines Inn, Mark first of all stared at the revellers and especially the women and felt ashamed of what he saw.
Most of them wore short skirts barely reaching the knees and the upper parts of their bodies were half-naked. For some, their bosoms were almost hanging out for anyone with eyes to admire.
He was sure even touching was welcome. The club was filled reason being there was a football match between Manchester United and Chelsea going on.
Inside the Dimly Lit Pub
Now that he did not have a phone, (he cursed silently the mugger who had stolen his phone), he had to try to locate two persons, his wife and his friend Gennaro. He would start with the latter.
A woman of the street came from nowhere and held him on the shoulder. “Come here my dear, there is an empty …” He pushed her away and continued searching for the two people he wanted in the dimly lit pub amidst heavy curls of smoke.
At the back, he noticed his friend wedged between two fat ladies and both had their hands on either side of his shoulders. His eyes were not glued to the plasma screen like most of the revellers; he was staring at his fat woman on the left-hand side.
Where is She?
Mark approached their table. It was covered with drinks and drinking glasses of all kinds as if the table’s occupants were experimenting on the best drink.
He tapped Gennaro’s shoulder and instead of him looking back, it was his two fat ladies. “What do you want mister?” The one on the left asked with much authority.
He ignored them and this time patted Gennaro’s bald pate. He turned and tried to smile but he was very much intoxicated.
“Where is she?” Mark spat the question.
The drunken Gennaro shook his head as if to clear it and pointed towards the counter. He opened his mouth to speak but Mark was already making his way furiously towards the counter.
Fury of a Cheated Faithful Man
They were seated on a table of two both facing the counter. And like all the tables, theirs too was covered with alcoholic drinks. There was also a plateful of tasty roasted meat.
When he saw how they were seated close together, he froze, his feet refused to move again. He watched in dismay as his wife Esther coiled her hand on the waist of her newfound love.
As if on a cure or to ire him more, the fat pig also did the same. As he stared at them wide-eyed with wonder, the man reached for a chunk of meat from the plate, took a huge bite and then gave it to his wife.
She took a bite and the two laughed out loudly.
Struck by a blinding rage and the fury of a cheated faithful man, Mark suddenly went over to the two kicking the table and toppling it over. Drinks and food spilt on the two and other revellers.
The two stood up and stared at him bewildered as if they had seen an apparition. They had been caught red-handed in their cheating game.
The Attack
Mark leapt forward, suddenly lurching at the obese bank manager with his right fist. The heavy punch connected with an open jowl of the cheating manager.
The heavy blow sent him sprawling on the ground, breaking glasses and spilling more drinks. He followed him to the floor and kicked him severally on the ribs.
By now some of the revellers had started coming over to witness the free movie. The group they formed was obstructing the others from viewing the ongoing UEFA champions league match final between Manchester United and Chelsea. The game had reached fever pitch as Manchester United was looking for a goal to equalize.
There was sudden shouting, cursing, and confusion. “Get that drunkard out of here”, the revellers shouted pointing at Mark. Two bouncers came over and a commotion ensured as mark resisted the attempt to throw him out.
“He has stolen my wife!” He cried.
“Get the drunkard out,” the shouting continued.
Without warning, Mark was suddenly attacked by the two bouncers and some of the drunken revellers; a kick here, a punch there, a heavy blow and surprisingly he could feel scratches all over his face.
Then he was lifted and carried out of the club only to be thrown like a bag of stinking garbage.
Continue reading about Tribulations of Mark.
Tribulations of Mark part 4.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2011 Patrick Kamau