Twisted Love Poetry: Neurotic Mess
The thought occurs to me
That I would have probably been better off
As a dumber man
Because then I would be able to
Go with the flow
Like so many other can
I wouldn't have to edit
Every single word I say
For fear that the wrong words said
Would lead to another bad day
I could enjoy my first dates
Without reading between the lines
And replaying the damn things
A million trillion times
I could just be myself
Relax and let the good times be
But at the end of the day
That just isn't me
I have to edit each word I say
Speaking to you is a magical moment in time
Every sentence, every phrase has to inspire
Like beautiful poetic lines
I enjoy replaying over and over
Our conversations in my head
Because I love discovering the deeper meanings
In every word that's been said
I know I can get carried away
I know I'm capable of going too far
But if I acted any other way
I wouldn't be doing justice to the beautiful woman you are
So at the end of the day
I hope you can see past
The neurotic mess that is me
Don't judge me for who you think I am
Judge me for the person
I show you I can be