A Poem About Tweeting: Twitter Is The New Poetry
Twitter Is The New Poetry
I had read in my recent tweets that "twitter is the new poetry," and this quote inspired me to write this poem.
I don't know where the quote is from and if anyone knows, I would be glad to credit that person. But it does make sense.
My Ode To Twitter
Twitter, in case you don't know, is a social medium where people can send short messages of no more than 140 characters. These messages appear on what is called a "feed" to everyone who is on their list.
It's only been around since 2006. Twitter "success" depends on your ability to condense thoughts into small packages: the opposite of rambling, as it were.
I just started tweeting this year and I must admit I love it. The quickness of it and the randomness of it. It's a mini-universe of ideas and quips. The online experience of a very clever and very crowded party.
So this is my ode to Twitter. A little poem with short lines.
Tweet it if you want to. I know I will! And follow me, @prairienomad, if you care to. I'll be there. On Twitter.
Twitter is the New Poetry
Twitter is
The new poetry
They say.
140 characters
Like a haiku
With #tags
We tweet out
The minutiae
Of our days.
And blurt out
The wisdom
Of our times.
An never-ending
Stream of nothing
With small
Pieces of random
Twitter ...
Is the new poetry
We the new
Instant publication.
Immediate gratification.
140 characters of satisfaction.
Tweets like treats
Eaten quickly.
Forgotten tomorrow
Never printed
Nor cemented.
Temporary amusement
Kaleidoscope of words
Twitter you are
Our poetry.
Twitter you are our times.