Unpardonable (Political Parentheses)
Unpardonable (Political Parentheses)
When I ran for high school president, I made my mother proud,
( If I had lost in the end, she'd have said the subject's not aloud.)
As I ran for local office, participating in the town's mayoral race,
( I would have shouted how I had won, only if was second place.)
As for that state congressional seat, It was just a big piece of cake,
( After all, the head doorman's job, is as important, for pity's sake!)
But then I tried for Governor, I won then because I'm so qualified,
( I was so surprised, I wet my pants, but I was still quite dignified.)
The grandest office of the president soon loomed before my face,
( I ran on supporting education, it was not meant as a disgrace!)
At last I won running just for fun, for I had nothing better to do,
( My family was in politics forever, folks jump when they say"boo!")
Actually I'm not from this world, I came from the planet of Mars,
(We all just loved to smoke our cigarettes and our big fat cigars!)
All the critters left, were all gone, no matter how hard we tried!
(Oceans dried up from our bad waste, the beings, all rules defied)
We flew our little shiny ships, then all landed on this green earth,
( We left our dried-up place behind, the planet of our own birth.)
Nobody believed in climate change, temperatures did rearrange,
(We'll never make that same mistake, tho I'm feeling kinda strange!)
I always say just what I do mean and mean everything that I do say,
(Although it may not always cone out just right, I'll say it anyway!)
Politically speaking may be truthful or not, I'll never tell any lies,
( Just ask any old politician you know, he'll laugh hard until he dies!)