May we ask ourselves ~ what ARE we doing the rest of our lives?
High on Life!
Embarked on my 80th year of life now and the moon came closest to the Earth than it will for another 20 or so years. Well, I fully intend to be here to walk out on my lawn and see it next time, too!
Would you care to join me then? That is possible. And then we can remind each other of this spring day in the year 2011! If I wrote no other words - THAT is simply amazing. Even if not, it is ALL just as amazing! Whoopee! LIFE!
Life astounds me,
How beautiful!
How full!
And here am I
To live it!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
How vividly I remember when those “first small steps for mankind” were planted on our silent satellite's bleak and knobby surface one summer day in 1969. Anyone else?
Many times following, it’s often seemed as though our space-stepping may have tracked a lot of that bleak dust back onto our lovely blue planet, as we watch mankind's steps apparently moving in retrograde and suffocating ourselves in the debris of futility.
Not all the ensuing steps have been wisely chosen. There is ample room for improvement. And WE, mankind, ARE the ones required to do it or choke in its wake.
Life is
A roller-coaster ride,
The peaks
Between the
Rolls and coasts
Are suspensions,
Letting go
Of gravity
Before another
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Yet, people, - our dearly beloved friends and family, our acquaintances, - even those we have yet to meet, are cherished. Nothing can diminish that, except one's own self. Nothing can nourish it, except one's own self.
This is the precious sense of LIFE, the verve of it, the very nerve of it, which I wish to express here!
Life lives in every moment, ~
For time apart from life
Is ~ meaningless.
Yet all of time that is, ~
Is infinite
In every moment
As it’s lived.
Life is
And wiggle-wobbles
Or else,
Suspension in mid-space.
What it’s not
Is fixed and fastened,
Nor obedient.
One must love it as it is
Or miss it
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Life respirates,
Is in
Is out.
The moment teems
With much more air
Than I can tolerate.
This thing called life!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Life’s a masterpiece
In progress, ~
Brush mis-strokes,
And all!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Turns me on
and wobbles not
Even when -
At times -
It mutilates
My soul.
The rips are
For light.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay