VOICES IN THE POOL...by b. Malin
No one just swims at the pool.
At least that's not always the rule...
Voices tell all...they bare their souls,
To whom ever will listen...
This is what I overheard,
As I swam back and forth in the Pool.
An older Man was speaking to an Acquaintance,
He'd just met at the pool...
We were born on the same day in May,
Our Mother's were best Friends.
We grew up in the same Neighborhood,
We went all through School together...
We were Best Friends.
We dated Girls together, got Engaged together...
Our Women were best Friends too.
We got Married on the same Day,
Honeymooned together...
Raised our "kids" in the same neighborhood.
We were supposed to grow old together...
He up and Died last week...without me...
I always thought we'd Die together...
I'm lost without him...
He was my best Friend.
The other Man just smiled and Nodded.
Woman talking to her Friend...
Oh they never call.
I've been in my place for four years...
They've never been to visit me.
Well (sigh) as long as they're Happy...
Her Friend nods in Silent Agreement.
At this point, I swim over to Lover Man,
And Plant One on his Lips...
Just Because.