Violent Waters, A Poem Regarding Servitude, Including an Introduction to Modern-Day Slavery & Poetry4Freedom
Victims experience the following:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Not allowed out
- No day days off
- Denied regular food
- Working 16 hours daily
- Unpaid salary
- Passport withheld
Recruited as Maid Treated as a Slave!
The purpose of this hub is to create awareness for the tens of thousands of women and young girls who are being sold into domestic slavery as maids. They are on call 24hours, poorly mistreated and beaten. Each year there are related deaths reported of suicide and other causes.
Women and children mainly from African countries are recruited and sent to the U.S and Europe. But the problem is so well hidden that authorities have no idea how many are actually working in western countries today.
When I recently learnt of this problem I felt sad, angry and helpless. Perhaps you`re feeling the same? I know, I know its hard to comprehend that this is actually going on. In fact I had difficulities sleeping for three nights from the entire subject matter of trafficking & modern-day slavery! There are numerous anti-slavery organisations which are fighting on the front line, making a difference. I have listed a few below.
Help Support Poetry4Freedom:
I have written this poem specifically for PoetryForFreedom. If you are a poet and would like to support this project, please visit their page for submission details.
Please Note: The poetry contest is finished, although to reach their goal to create a complete collection for an ebook/book, they still need poetry focused on: Child Labor, Servitude, Debt Bondage, Restaveks,TRATA de personasom!!
Your poetry will help raise awareness for all forms of Trafficking, Exploitation & Slavery! Please tell your friends about this poetry project to raise awareness against human trafficking. Follow @Poetry4Freedom on Twitter.