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Vlogging vs. Blogging: Can You Do Both?

Updated on September 13, 2019
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Krzysztof is a YouTube researcher with over a decade of experience analyzing and uncovering YouTube trends, challenges, and media.


What's Vlogging?

For those new to vlogging, it means a video blog.

But then what's a blog?

A blog is composed of your personal thoughts, feelings, opinions, and expressions about topics that you're passionate about. People may say that most writers already do this, and if so, then why do writers have a career and many bloggers do not?

First of all, there are a multitude of bloggers who have turned their blogging into a career. One of the most noteworthy is celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. Second, there is a distinct difference between writing articles and blogging.

Writers write to share information with their audience that's usually related to a specific subject or topic, but they often leave out their emotions and opinions on said topic. Blogging is very personable, and it's you expressing yourself in writing.

Think of it as your personal diary but instead of deep thoughts written down in a journal or notebook, they are brought to the public on a laptop via the internet.

So let's go back to vlogging. If you take everything you've written on your blog from the most intimate thoughts, ideas, opinions/feelings, and convert them into video, then you've created your very own vlog.

The similarities end there because although the concept sound the same, the way they're presented to your viewing public vary.


Difference Between Vlogs and Blogs

Have you ever had to present a speech in front of a large audience?

If so then I'd imagine you had to write down everything you were going to say and practice your speech until you were able to memorize and present it.

This isn't always the case if you're a talented speaker or speech writer but If you did have to write it down and present it afterwards, then you probably realized how different the results end up being.

Chances are you will not be nervous, shaky, and anxious when you're writing your thoughts down on a piece of paper or typing them on a laptop, but when happens during the presentation.

When you have to get up in front of everyone and express those written thoughts, then suddenly those anxious feelings could rush back to haunt you.

These are generalizations because superior speakers are comfortable talking in front of large groups without feeling negative emotions. Still even the most comfortable person may stumble and trip over their words from time to time.

From that example you may start to see the differences between a vlog and a blog.

A vlog is similar to giving a speech for your audience, but it's far less demanding. With vlogs you can edit them as often as you'd like just like a blog, but ultimately if your personality doesn't carry through then the vlog may become unsuccessful.

Thus the key difference between a vlog and blog goes back to who you are and what kind of personality you have.


Introvert vs. Extrovert

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do you prefer to write out your thoughts or talk them out? Do you enjoy being in front of a camera or would you prefer to be on your laptop?

Those are all questions that'll determine which platform, vlogging or blogging, you'd likely fit into. However don't stereotype people because of who they are because not everyone fits into a certain mold.

It would be easy to assume that all extroverts probably prefer to vlog while all introverts would prefer to blog but that's not always the case.

The reason why a lot of extroverts vlog is because they enjoy the attention, they enjoy being on camera, they can be talkative and expressive, and they aren't afraid to say what they want to their audience.

Introverts prefer not to be seen, but they still want to be heard so it makes sense that they would rather write/type their thoughts instead of talk about them. They may be more shy, quiet, afraid to speak to a camera, and terrified of what others might say about them but that doesn't mean they don't want others to know about their opinions.

Remember that whether you're an extrovert or an introvert that you're no better or worse than the other. The same applies to vloggers and bloggers because the users of both platforms can offer highly in-depth insight and analysis on any subject.

Can You Do Both?

A blogger can blog and vlog or vice-versa, but anyone can attempt to do something if they wanted to.

Anyone can say they're a writer but does that mean they are actually a writer?

There will always be a preferred style for someone who chooses to do both vlogging and blogging, and they'll see that through themselves and their audience.

Remember that your listeners are not stupid.

If a majority of them do not enjoy your vlogging style, then you can't use the excuse that they don't know what they're talking about or are a bunch of trolls. Sure there's no question that people will doubt you, but if most disapprove then you're doing something wrong.

Now take that same person who instead decides to write/type out their ideas, but this time their listeners enjoy the content.

You can gauge what you're good at by the criticisms you receive and if they enjoy your blogging over your vlogging, then clearly you're a better blogger. The same goes if they enjoy your vlogs but not your blogs.

What if neither your vlogs or blogs are well received?

Then you're doing something wrong and will need to address that. Sometimes people aren't made to do either of them and that's okay too, however; you can often change your style and improve upon your technique before giving it up completely.

A few rare individuals can do both extremely well, but one will always be slightly better or preferred over the other.

Can you do both?

Sure you can, but the combination of preference and feedback will skew in one direction over the other.


Why You Should Vlog/Blog?

What you choose to do is completely up to you, but if you're an aspiring writer blogging is important.

Blogging helps sharpen your writing skills, helps you get necessary feedback from your readers, and it can generate new ideas.

Vlogging can help you in different ways.

YouTube has become an important tool for aspiring vloggers, and the best of the best can achieve greatness and notoriety as well as financial success.

Who knew having an opinion could be so powerful?

Blogging gets you noticed too. If you're able to build an audience and produce quality content, then it's possible to make a living writing/typing your thoughts.

However don't forget that it takes a lot of work, promoting, and building a healthy online reputation before ever reaching top tier success.

If it were that easy to earn a living by sharing your opinion, then everybody would be doing it and they'd all be successful.

Best of all vlogging or blogging is a great way to express your opinions and relieve stress.

Most people don't vlog/blog because they want notoriety, but because they enjoy doing it either as a career or hobby.

There's always a joy in being heard and having your opinions be appreciated by someone, and all it takes is one positive interaction to induce a cathartic moment. .

How Do You Express Yourself?

What template of personal expression do you enjoy?

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