Volkswagen's red floor
Twisting, the corkscrew turns
into the stoppers red core
while I politely listen
to the small talk chatter
from the pretty woman
lounging on my couch.
So sensually dressed
and very well spoken
but to me just a college dorm whore.
She endeavors to impress me
with her knowledge of
my bookcase collection
all the while expertly
positioning herself
in tiny red skirt
to impress me even more
so feigning attraction
I smile and raise an eyebrow
making her believe she has me
under her spell
while over her shoulder
I sneak a glance
at the closed red door
behind which lay my sacred sanctuary.
No photographs, art
sculptures, shelves or furnishing.
Taped sheet plastic the only décor
so that cream colored walls
and ivory shag carpet
cannot be marred, cannot be blemished
can leave no trace
of staining red gore.
The cork popped
and the bloody aroma
of sweet red wine
wafted up to arouse me.
Retrieving two glasses
clinking together like the sound
of her voice echoing
off my grinding white smile
she cannot perceive
the lions roar.
Coyly on she rambles
small talk, killing time
“And what was your last name, Ted?”
“Bundy,” I answered while tilting the bottle
and like blood from the artery
did red pour.
Sitting close by her
we drank and grew warmer
talking of art, literature, love
and a graduation this summer.
Getting late, the clock struck three
her eyes became glassy
and her cheeks turned red
I wondered, should I kill her now
or wait until four?
Finally we embrace, begin with a kiss
and then like a Romeo
with no desire to follow my Juliet
I caress her neck before squeezing
and saying goodnight
I kiss her breathless red lips
but ever the gentleman I am
I give her a ride home
in plastic bags
in my Volkswagens
stained red floor.
Midnight in Jackie's Garden
- Midnight in Jackie's Garden eBook: Wayne Barrett: Books
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