WRAPPED UP IN LOVE...by b. Malin
We are Born, We Live, We die...But in between are the Many Seasons of Love. We Learn, we pass our Knowledge on, and hope that it won't be forgotten when our time comes to pass. We hope that we are a Good Person, that we learn from past mistakes as we go forth building a Future of Dreams...With Lots and Lots of Tomorrows.
We Grow up...We play and act "Grownup"...We try not to let our Fears show...but never the less, We sometimes Fear silently. We need to be accepted...We have to be accepted...Society says so.
We fall in Love...that First Love, the one we think we will Die from, especially if we can't have that very Special Person. Most times it doesn't work out, because we are too Young, or our Parents don't approve, or the timing is wrong... And so we dry those tears and eventually move on...And that Season, that "First Season of Love" fades with time, but is never really forgotten.
Eventually, if we are Lucky, we meet The One...It may be after a First Marriage has failed, or a Relationship that was bad from the start has finally Played it's last scene...And you are able to walk away, ready, so very ready, to meet the Right Person, the one you will share the rest of your life with...Maturity has taken hold of your Life, and like Love, you are ready to embrace it.
You are Happy, You have now found Love...Life is Comfortable, and Good, because you totally understand one another...Most of the time...And you find out this Love is a Good Listener, most of the time. And he finds out you can get "Nutsie" at least once a Month...or more. But still it's "ok"...and there is that word called, "Compromise" and that's ok too. For in order for Love to work and to grow there has to be this formula...and so Satisfied, you Marry.
The Children are born, and if you're Lucky, you raise them right, to the best of your Knowledge...And you Love them Unconditionally...and they Love you back and you and yours are Wrapped up in that Love called Parenthood.
The years tick ahead, they grow up, go to College, or strike out on their own with Confidence, and you Smile knowing this part of your job is TEMPORARILY done...Parenthood never ends, even when your Children make you Grandparents. Your Face feels like it will Crack from Smiling, because they are so Bright and Clever and Beautiful and Handsome and the Thousands of Pictures that you take don't lie.
You find yourself still Wrapped in Love for this Person, after all these years... You still Love his Humor, his Wit, his Looks, his Style...He laughs when you tell him you bought a Mirror that magnifies your Face 15 times! He tells you if you look in it, you'll never leave the house! And you both have a good Laugh. He also tells you he Loves being Naked in the Hot Tub with You and only YOU... At this point you know you've chosen Wisely and Well, and so you say a prayer to yourself for Many, Many, More Seasons of Love.