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Updated on May 2, 2013

Expert or not, your opinion can make an impact.

Writing reviews can be as much fun as any other topic a writer chooses. It’s like a sales pitch convincing the reader they want this particular item or service. And that’s only for good reviews. Not so good reviews will prevent folks from spending their hard earn money on something they may not want. A review is like a public announcement based on the opinion of the reviewer. Swaying an audience one way or another depends on the presentation.

Freedom of speech and press has left many an author, producer, manufacturer or business owner sweating or smiling as they themselves read the contents of their critique. Opinions do matter to some if it makes others respond in such a way as to cause either good or bad ratings. Expert or not your opinion can be very persuading if you know anything at all about what you’re trying to say.

How About a Book Review?

Have you read a good book lately? It really doesn’t matter how old the publication is if you think others will be inclined to read it. There are many books written years ago still read today waiting for a new generation to be dazzled as well. These books have already hit their prime, but bringing them back into modern day light will keep them demanding new printing options to be preserved for decades to come. Especially in this new world where e-books are becoming so popular, it could even prompt a movie or television series from simple demands of the public. After all producers and script writers base their ideas on such things as old stories. Owen Wister’s classic tale The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains is a good example of this. Many a movie and television favorite came from this 1902 novel.

For new releases, your book review could be a great help bringing the book to the top of a best sellers list. It is an author’s dream come true. If you have helped with any of this fame they will thank you. Many authors are frequent users of network social sites. You’ll be even more inclined to give a good review to those you actually communicate with. Be very careful when writing a book review on a new release as not to give away too much of its content especially if there is any mystery involved. We are trying to provoke urgency here to read the book, after all.

Movies and Television

Movies and television shows welcome reviews. The classics are just as entertaining and in demand of inspiring new viewers as the new ones are. In today’s sales of DVDs and special programming with channels playing the oldies people like to know if it’s worth watching. For the younger audience they may never have seen these before. Reviews by those who have may strike a new interest. With new movies it is a good idea to be cautious on how much you tell your readers. Convince them the value of entertainment without telling them too much of the story.


Restaurants, Hotels and Motels

Restaurants, hotels and motels seek reviews to draw people to their establishments. Often customers are even asked to give reviews after visiting them. Travelers appreciate the direction to a fine meal or commendations. If you have ever spent the night in an unfamiliar city, those stars on the rating list will draw your attention. Five stars are considered to be the best. They also cost more. A good clean and friendly atmosphere may be all many travelers seek. With a lower price tag they opt out of needing a swimming pool or being pampered. Three star ratings may be just as appealing to those just passing through who need a rest stop. A review of the place can help many a weary traveler. As for eating, those with fast stopovers may also select cheaper dining options as long as the food is good and no signs of being less than clean are present. Reviews may not be necessary for recognized fast food joints, but for those not in franchise, the heads up or thumbs down approach read in a review will lead the consumer where they want to be.



Product reviews are becoming more popular. Some businesses may even promote someone using their product for free just to get their feedback. A sales pitch, maybe, but it can help the company with flaws in their product demanding attention. With the economy struggling, today even the rich can only be gracious for a tip leading them to better things. As for those penny pinchers out there, reviews can send knowledge on what is a better savings. Products made by companies who sell cheaper may be just as good as their higher priced competitor’s items. Spending less will not deprive the consumer on quality.

Opinions Matter

In this day and age with the internet opening new doors and people seeking knowledge of what is out there, a review can make a difference and the writer is given an ever ending platform in which to practice their profession. Opinions matter, your opinion matters, but don’t just take my word for it. Write a review.


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