Waking walking working what do I do now it's night
Laying lounging loafing filling up with food and fight
Feeling fairly faddish fading facing far afield
Knowing kneeling kneading but the head has yet to yield
Into the intuitive inside the second slice
Secondary sightings set to select treason twice
Thirsty throat thrusting through things
Stop stand and then think thrice
Waking walking working wondering why when where and what
Faking fine felicity with a high stepping strut
Standing on the street to stop and stare at stately strollers
Riding on the rails to realize becoming rollers
People pacified with peripatetic palaver
Come to the conclusion I'm the cleverest cadaver
Talking taking totally trying to tell the truth
Unfortunately unfit to understand and uncouth
Quietly and quickly quenching fires from every angle
Hopefully hoping this hopelessness can be untangled
Waking walking working wondering why I'm interested
Being better than the best is just the same as being bested
copyright (c) 2011 christopher w neal all rights reserved