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Welcome To The World of Antiquity Calais

Updated on March 14, 2011

Antiquity Calais: Standing at Armageddon

BREAKING NEWS! Antiquity Calais: Standing at Armageddon will soon be available for sale through, by virtue of my decision to publish the book through Amazon subsidiary CreateSpace. Once I receive and review a proof copy of the book, it will go on sale, so you'll want to return here for the latest news on that front.

Really this page should be called the Multiverses of Antiquity Calais. Antiquity is the hero of a series of books I have planned that are collectively known as the Universal Life Force Series. In his quest to vanquish the arch villain, Leviathan Avalon, Antiquity discovers that there are, in fact, many "universes," and many more dimensions of physics than height, depth, width and duration. He also learns that stars can communicate when we are listening properly, that he has been given special skills to help him fulfill his destiny as the Liberator, and that we are far from alone in Creation.

Descriptions of other installments in the Universal Life Force Series follow.


Antiquity Calais: Ascending Olympus

Ascending Olympus is the exciting second installment in the Universal Life Force Series. In this installment, we learn that the Creator is not the only force in the Multiverse, and that the likes of Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Hades and the rest of the Greek gods have interests in the outcome of the ultimate battle between the forces of good and the forces of darkness.

I am presently editing this book, having recently completed the first draft. The majority of what I have written I accomplished in the month of November, participating in the nanowrimo contest. (In case you haven't heard of it, nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and the goal was to see how many authors could write a 50,000 word first draft between November 1 and November 30....I crossed over 50,000 the night before Thanksgiving, and by the time I felt the story had said all it could say, it landed just over 75,000 words. My hope is to complete editing within two months, so we can make this title available through the Full Moon Over Bunganut Publishing and CreateSpace as well.

I do not want to give away the ending of Ascending Olympus, but let me just say this: the conclusion of this book has such a tantalizing twist that I have decided a previously unplanned addition to the Universal Life Force Series will be necessary. I have a working title, and have just completed the first chapter tonight. The title and the plot must, for now, remain classified, because if I even told you the title, it would give away the ending of Ascending Olympus. Suffice to say that once I release Ascending Olympus, I will update this page and release the title and a brief description of the direction the new book is taking, and how it may come to impact the whole series. So stay tuned, true believers.........

Antiquity Calais and the Wrath of the Cryptids

Most people, whether they believe in them or not, have at least heard of the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, among others. These legendary creatures have become known as Cryptids, along with many others that haven't got the star power of these big boys. In Wrath of the Cryptids, people will become intimately aware of the fact that these creatures that conventional science has shunned are very real, very powerful, and very unhappy about the way they've been treated. The only question is, who do they blame for their lot in life?

Wrath of the Cryptids will feature beasties such as Mothman, the eight-foot-tall winged man/creature that terrorized the small West Virginia town of Point Pleasant. Mothman made an appearance in Standing at Armageddon, but he will play a prominent role in this volume. Other cryptids I have planned to involve include the Jersey Devil, the Honey Island Swamp Monster, among others.

So if you believe in these creatures (or even if you don't but still like a spine-tingling thrill) you'll want to keep your eyes peeled for this book!

The Sojourners' Quest for Antiquity

The last book in this series that I have conceptualized to date (which does not mean it is necessarily the last book....the creative juices are always flowing!) features a bunch of characters that readers of Standing at Armageddon will recognize these characters. They were all introduced in different occasions during book one, just as their corporeal lives on Earth were ending. However, just as Antiquity learned at the beginning of his quest to vanquish Leviathan Avalon, death is merely a weigh station on the path around Creation. The Sojourners are a diverse array of individuals who have met their demise, many at the hands of Leviathan Avalon, though not all. At the moment of their death, they become aware that there is a man who is striving to undo the terrible deeds perpetrated by Leviathan Avalon. In this fifth volume of the series, the Sojourners begin to follow the path of Antiquity Calais, in hopes of tracking him down before the final battle between the forces of good and evil.

Stay Tuned....

Book one of this series was dedicated to my son Tyler, who is probably my greatest fan at present. Book two is dedicated to my daughter Kristen. Book three will be dedicated to my youngest child Isaiah. But then I also have two older stepsons who should not be overlooked. So book four will be dedicated to my oldest stepson Joshua. Book Five will be dedicated to my stepson Nick. Beyond that, if the muse should happen to strike again, I may need to consider my wife, if she'll let me, or nieces/nephew. At this point, I do not have a firm number of books in mind. As long as good, strong story lines continue to flow into my brain, I'll keep writing about the adventures of Antiquity and his friends Gillian, Sherman and Mundoo.  



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