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What I Learned From the Kindle Scout Campaign

Updated on December 27, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Self-publish books

Kindle Scout is for new book titles.

The publishing world is challenging and can be more frustrating if your manuscript is rejected.

As a writer, you need to often cope with disappointment and the negative side of the publishing and writing worlds.

Make your focus on all angles of publishing.

Focus on the positive and the negative in writing and publishing.

Sometimes your hard work doesn't pay you as you expect it. I took the opportunity and registered with Kindle scout and sent my manuscript for the fun of it. Over a month ago, I decided to go into action.

I decided to go ahead and take that chance to improve or be right back where I started again. I enjoyed working my hardest to spread the word on social media and learned that Twitter is my best choice for marketing books.

I submitted my full manuscript of fifty thousand words without the author's biography.

Also, the manuscript must be more than fifty thousand words to be accepted by the Kindles scout publishing company.

I added an author photo and the cover of my book and it was added to the many other book nominations for thirty days.

Nominators read the excerpt and nominated my book.

Everyone will receive a free book after my book is selected, and if my book is not selected for publishing each participant will be notified via email. I had my book proofread and edited to make it in its perfect form.

There is no proofreading or edition of the final review. The book will be published as-is. I had to make sure the cover and every detail is to the point and that the manuscript is in its best presentation.

Amazon doesn't edit and proofread the manuscript. The manuscript features must apply to the Kindle Scout guidelines.

The following genres are accepted:

Romance, Mystery, Thriller and Fantasy.

I, the author had to publicize my book via social networks and used Twitter and Facebook to do this.

I encouraged others to read the excerpt and nominate my book.

The book nominations are just an idea for me to learn through the procedure. The voters received don’t necessarily mean I have won or lost the nomination. The idea is to show how my book attracts other readers. The Kindle Scout team will review my manuscript at the end of the nomination period and is currently in process.

How will I benefit from Kindle Scout?

I could benefit from the guarantee of a fifty per cent eBook royalty rate, paid to me each month. I retain all other rights and print rights of my book. I will not benefit from the worldwide publishing rights for eBook and audio formats in all languages.

The five-year term contract involves twenty-five thousand dollars in royalties from the earnings of my book. If my book doesn't earn that amount, I can choose to stop publishing with Kindle Press.

My book will be published in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library, and in Kindle Unlimited. There is a chance that my book will target campaigns and book promotions.

Everything I mentioned here is based on if my book is selected.

A never-published book read by millions of readers.

I think it is a decent offer. I won't be disappointed to have taken part in this campaign.

I have been there and done that before but, this experience was different, and I learned a lot from self-promotion.

I look at this as a good learning experience in the publishing industry.

If my book is not selected by a Kindle scout team, the book will be published at Amazon stores.

Readers and authors have offered an alternative traditional publishing idea that readers and authors can separate the worthy from the not-so-worthy writers.

The quality of writing counts, but Amazon is trying to make money from crowd-sourced evaluations.

Amazon makes sure the book is not plagiarized, their next step in a review of the book is to make sure there is nothing written without authorization by the author.

They don't want to get into legal issues as much as you the author shouldn't put yourself in that position. They reserve the right to modify without the author's permission.

In the publishing industry, the Kindle Scout campaign is a way to get potential writer to submit their never published work, and for others to evaluate before the review.

An Example.

Publishers push this off to agents to read and read before having the work approved. In this way, Amazon doesn't have to go through the expense of paying someone for that.

The crowd does that for Amazon.

This is not my first book to be published, it gives me a better chance of being selected.

What do you think about Kindle scout publishing?

The Kindle Scout program hasn't been around long enough to know what Amazon intends to do with it. I think it is a team for their traditional imprints.

I tried Kindle Scout not because I want to be that millionaire, but because I like it and enjoyed the learning experience in the publishing world.

Amazon is still actively promoting the program and Kindle Scout books will benefit each reader. I will just have to see how long Kindle Scout lasts.

There are no guarantees in writing, and I have nothing to lose either way. I see it from a different point of view. My work is either selected in the Kindle Scout program or not, and if not, I will see it published in Amazon stores.

This was a new experiment and I had the idea of how to present my book. I attracted new readers and am positive about my work.

However, the final review turns out it doesn't matter. I felt like writing about my experience with Kindle Scout and for others to know more as well. Self-publishing is not a choice for every writer.

I chose to self-publish due to my substantial earnings from Kindle books, and have began a few years ago and felt comfortable with my choice.

It is intriguing to take part in the Kindle Scout campaign. The feeling was great and was something to look forward to each day. A never-published book is part of the guidelines Kindle Scout opportunities.

Most writers won't agree with me and I understand there will be some negative thoughts about my opinion on book publishing.

An opportunity to see how to be accepted in the publishing game is such an amazing experience.

I learned to improve my work each day while writing this book, and I am happy with my results no matter what happens with this review. You can benefit from writing and continue doing what you enjoy best.

Kindle Scout Publishing


Self-published writers

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Writing makes you feel great!

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

Benjamin Franklin

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Devika Primić


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