A Love Poem: What I Love About You
What I So Love about You
You are most alive
On summer days
With endless blue skies
And not a cloud in sight.
Your heart delights
When you recognize
Riding high, sailing by
A parachute in flight.
You beam with delight
When you get the green light
It’s your turn to skydive;
Now you know you’re alive.
So you saunter to the Cessna,
You’re the enchanter as you banter
Till you reach for the cord,
And Jump for your reward.
On horseback, you’re the master
As you Gallop and you canter;
Then dismount with pride
Still fresh from the ride.
Horses sweat, soaking wet,
Mucking out, you never fret.
Where-ever you wander, it’s a bet
You’ll be beset
With small children and animals;
Needing no credentials,
They instinctively know your potential,
Because in your heart, love is essential.
You beam as if you were a child
When the first snow piles high.
Bluebells in spring,
A robin in sing,
Such joy they bring.
I love the way you love,
Puppies and penguins,
Meerkats and macaws.
You’re generous and adventurous,
With you, love is harmonious,
Never acrimonious.
In this journey of life,
Unlike Lot’s wife,
You learn from the past,
But seldom looks back.
Those are the things I most love about you.