What if - or not ?
CXXXII. . . pondering . . .
. . .matters of curiosity. . .
We often ponder "what if. . . " (such and such has or hasn't happened). What IS or IS NOT, in other words.
Why do we do that?
We seem oddly inclined to overlook, to underestimate, even to dismiss what simply IS!
The present state of being and life gets scanty notice while we're busy pondering, conjecturing, reaching hopefully into the past or the future, ever resulting in more frustration than joy. The present reality arrives on schedule, lacking our scans from imaginary timelines
How sensible is that?
. . . . that's the question . . . .
question on track
"Enjoy the now,
Enjoy what IS,"
You said,
Preaching to the choir.
Yes, I thought,
Being open to all that is,
Is knowing it requires
'No limits'.
Knowing it must take
The bitter with the sweet.
Knowing that what is
Cannot compromise
With what is not,
Nor be partitioned.
Knowing it will always choose
Pleasure over pain.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
as time goes by - "play it again, Sam" ~
No where
To be but here.
No one
To be but I.
No when
To be but now.
The moment
Tells it all
To earth, to sea
To sky.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
so - what IS it all about?
"we'll always have Paris"
simple instructions
- Think about it - now.
- Know how you want your life to be or not - now.
- Let it happen - now.
What is time or space
In moments
Of shared caring?
I wonder.
Does the ocean exist
To separate
Heart from heart?
I think not!
Is not a moment fully lived
The closest thing
To paradise on earth?
I think so!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay ♥
why this hub?
Have you ever started a hub, selected a title, thinking it had merit. But you let it languish, undone, in your Statistics list until you saw a warning on it that it was in danger of being badly categorized by the system, so you figured it was now or never to give it some attention?
Well - I've several of these 'bad apples' in my hub basket. This was one of them. I decided to play with it, which was sort of fun, so I decided to publish it.
I hope I haven't shamed myself. ♥