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When You Believe, It Can Inspire You to Do The Impossible, Part 4

Updated on December 21, 2020
Pam Morris profile image

Writing is my passion. I have an undying thirst and quest in the field of writing. Some eat, drink, or use drugs when stressed; I write.


If a person believes he can achieve anything, he is halfway there. Without belief, it is hard to accomplish your goals making you want to give up. This statement can also apply to the quote, "Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.” – Marcus Aurelius.

This statement too applies to a little girl who lost her faith after losing a pet she so dearly loves. When a person has no hope, you see no change in their life. Danielle lost hope, so her mother put forth an effort to ensure she regains hope and come out of a deep state of depression.

She left a parakeet in a bird cave for her daughter in her room as she sleeps. Hoping she will awake, see the pet, and it will bring comfort to her in her time of need.

It is 6:00 pm, and it is getting late in the evening when Danielle awake to see a beautiful parakeet, and it is one of the most adorable birds she has ever seen. She loves the bird and stood there for a minute to look at it. Danielle ran down the stairs to ask her mother about the bird.

Mom, scream Danielle; Wendy answered, yes. How did a bird get in my room? I went to the pet store and brought him here so, you can have another pet. What do you think? Do you like him? I love him replied Danielle. Wendy replied, I hope it’ is okay with you; I named the bird "Kaytee."

That is fine, and I like that name said, Danielle. Wendy replied, "I named the bird "Kaytee" in the hope it would bring a smile to your face, and you will welcome him as you said you did not want another pet after Muffin got killed."

Oh, thank you mother, it a unique and perfect name for my bird. And thank you for not listening to me, and most of all, I appreciate you taking the time to go and pick me out the perfect pet. A pet I can love and take care of. The bird can not take the place of Muffin. He is irreplaceable, but you got me the next best thing as a great substitute.

Wendy was so happy to see Danielle walking around in high spirits again. She enjoyed her change of altitude. Wendy and Danielle laugh, talk, and watch her bird chips in the cave.

It was the start of Danielle finding her way back to living her life again. Wendy encourages her to catch up with her work at the school, which she did in no time. She even bounces back to the top of the class with her grades.

Wendy shared that pet birds make great companions. They are full of personality and are a lot of fun when raised and cared for properly. She even told Danielle she sign her for training so her bird can learn to talk to her.

Wendy carefully chooses a blue budgie bird parrot. It caught her eye because they are thought of as a beginner bird. She wants the bird to be the beginning of Danielle returning to her old self.


Upon arriving home and placing the bird in the cave, Danielle realizes the Blue Budgie Bird Parrot chatter and whisper like no bird she heard. She also notices the bird demands attention, and she needs to take special care of him.

Danielle was so thrilled with her bird and did not mind giving him special attention. She cannot wait until the day that her ] bird learns to talk. She checked out bop=oks from the library to learn as much as she could about her pet.

From research, Danielle was happy to learn that a Blue Budgie Bird Parrot can learn to talk easily. She knew she was a beginner and wanted to ensure her pet was cared for appropriately so, she researched how to care for the type of bird she had in the cave.

She learns that every bird needs a different amount of care, and some require a special kind of attention. Danielle even asks her mother to purchase a second bird in which she upgrades his cave to a bigger and better one.

She took time after school each day after completing her homework to spent time with her pet. she found great peace and joy as she talks and feeds the bird.


Within a month term, she added a variety of freshwater Angelfish like a silver, a clown, a gold marble, Koi, half black, platinum angelfish, and a Pearl Gouramis. Also, she wants the tank to look nice, but she was so careful not to overcrowd the bottom of the tank.

Danielle started with the bottom of the tank and worked her way up. She took into consideration what substrate she wanted, the choice she made had a lot to do with the type of fish in the tank.

Since the tank has different freshwater fish Danielle decided to use gravel and stones over sand as it is a better choice for freshwater fish. Sand would not be the best choice because freshwater fish will bury themselves in it, while gravel and stones give the tank a more natural look, the fish won’t bury themselves in it and they are easier to clean.

As Danielle was decorating the bottom of the tank, she purchased an underwater treasure cichlid cave - two stone only because it was on sale, except she was so glad she bought it, because when she placed it in the aquarium, it stood out and made the decoration look nice.

When she decorates and choose the plant, Danielle made the choice of plastic plants over a live one because the fish can hide in live plants and they can die in them. She wants to be able to see her fish swim around the tank and raise healthy fishes, not come to see one or all dead. She also chooses plastic plant because they are more colorful and easier to maintain.

Danielle purchased two underwater treasures glow action striped color tree – green and blue. She places one on each side of the underwater treasure cichlid cave. When she plugs up the glow striped color tree, they light rather nicely and look amazing.

To top off the bottom of the tank decoration Danielle purchase and brought the magical world of Disney into the tank. She bought a Penn Plax Nemo - Small ornament and made sure it was safe for freshwater. And the vibrantly colored, hand-painted ornament served its purpose and that is to beautify the aquarium.

Danielle was so proud of the hard work that she did so she called Charles and set up a time and date for him to come over and view her fishes. She hoped he enjoyed the aquarium as much as she enjoys decorating and collecting the fishes.


They talk for a little over an hour. Charles even gave Danielle ideals for the next two fishes, she will add to her collection. He even suggested she set it up so her classmates and other she loves to view her hobby as he was so pleased with her choice to start the hobby.

Danielle did such a great job collecting fishes and decorating the two tank she had that Wendy, her mother surprised her with a third tank and even suggested she move her fish hobby into a special room she rearranged in the house for her.

Wendy even decorated the room to look like a fish aquarium room. Danielle was so pleased and agreed to move her other two tanks. Wendy had a Deacon from the church to come over and assist Danielle in the moving of her tanks.

A few of Wendy's decorating of the room consists of a beautiful round glass coffee table with an aquarium and two end table that matches. She knew the coffee table would decorate the fish room perfectly and Danielle would love sitting in the room watching the fish swim. The fish room was decorated so nice that Danielle was overjoyed and couldn't hide her emotions.

After three months of redecorating and purchasing fish, Danielle thanked her mother for her help and the amazing fish room she has given her. She opens her fish room for the very first time so many can view her hobby. She set aside the first day for her special friends, Charles. He walked around and looked, he was so pleased with Danielle lovely work and admired her hobby.

Danielle was unaware, but Charles wanted to bring a gift with him to the visit to the fish room to view the aquariums. He saves his money to purchase Danielle the perfect gift. Charles gifted Danielle a longcase clock featuring a vertical aquarium.

When he gave it to her, Danielle loved the gift. She hugged him and gave him a little kiss on the check. Charles felt as if he hit the jackpot, his heart skips a beat momentarily and he felt as if he was riding the highest cloud.

Danielle and Charles sit in the room and watched the fish swim, he assisted her in adding the longcase clock featuring a vertical aquarium to her fish room. They took it out the box, set it up, add water and the decorating, set it in the right-hand corner of the room, it looked beautiful.

Danielle promise Charles she would wait and they would take the time a week from the day to get together and go the following Sunday to pick a fish to place inside the longcase clock aquarium.

Charles enjoyed every minute he spends with Danielle, but it was time for him to leave and go home. He was not in a hurry and wished he could have stayed longer. His mother was waiting for him so they can go home.

Danielle walked Charles to the door, gave him one last hug just before he walks out the door to get in the car. Danielle closes the door, just as Charles's mother backed out the driveway and start driving down the road there was a loud noise occurred.

Danielle hears it, runs back to the door, open it to scream out loud. What happen? Today was such an enjoyable day for Danielle, could her happiness be challenged yet again?

It's obvious the loud, unpleasant noise means something that is not good has happened, but what? Wendy rushes to the door, hug Danielle after seeing what happened and she dials 911, why? Stay tuned, ask I answer all these questions and share more in detail in part 5 of when you believe, It can inspire you to do the impossible.

When you believe, It Can Inspire You to Do the Impossible, Part 4!

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Shawn Mendes - Believe (Official)

© 2018 Pam Morris


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