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Updated on March 13, 2011

When Today Is Just An Ordinary Day

I am no one special.I have many dreams but they are far from being fulfilled.I search for answers and I just get more questions.That is my life in a short story where you can come for the journey that will lead us to new thoughts and escape the world that you live in currently,I can only imagine how other people live and struggle day to day with so many issues.I have been blessed by god and all the supreme powers there our in the heavens so that I might be able to live one more day.

It is the 12th of March the current year is 2011.I am not sure where the time has gone and each time I search I seem to loose more time.So I continue on and try to explain this wonderful world that I live.I have never had riches that I can say that I could have anything I have ever wanted or everything I ever needed.All I found out is less is more and I have to much now and I am trying to discover what is it that makes people tick.Is it compassion,desire,or greed to own an empire.I watch my life unfold like an open book and the chapter that I tell you are real.They have happened over and over again in my head.Did they really happen in real life I am not so sure ...I will leave that up to you to decide.I am in my mid 40's and I couldn't tell you where my 30's and 20's disappeared to.I was so busy trying to live the dream of making a future for myself and figured out if I worked real hard all things would come together.Well I was wrong sort of.My mind has taken me on journeys I am still learning to describe in great detail.But as for successes they are few and short lived at best.I have always had my health and that is some thing no money in the world could buy.So from that stand point I am the richiest I could ever be.But in material wealth I have hit an all time low.I have used every option that I know to acquire wealth and knowledge.I always thought they would follow hand and hand.I was wrong.They are like to ships that sail in two different directions and maybe someday they will find their way back and meet again.The people in my life have surfaced like the worms after a heavy rain.They seem to pop up everywhere but I am still trying to figure if they are dead or just resting.As I move on with my day I can only look at what lies ahead and go after every impulse that my mind tells my body to go for it.Don't stop until you find a place that can bring you the most peace.So I guess maybe I am a traveling gypsee.I find my home not in one particular place but in a conversation that I find so interesting and intregueing.I have been known to write when I am hungry and push my body to the limits of lack of sleep.There are things I want to accomplish in this world and I am not sure how much time I have left on my meter.So I surge on with everything I have learned to use it to my advantage and seek out new adventures that I hear them calling me by name.I walk on a road that few have traveled.I see the dust settle and know there have been others before me.But because I have come so late I am not sure which way they have gone or how many have come.When it rains the tracks our wiped clear and I have to only guess which direction is my best choice.I try to take in as many sights that I can possibly see along the way.To stimulate my mind and thoughts so that I may be inspired to that wisdom that is surrounding me like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.I feel the comfort.I just want to snuggle and stay here awhile.But like everything in life their is so much to do.I force myself to move on.I will always reach for the peace that I honestly feel from my head to my toes.I am on a mission.I am not some super hero that saves the world.Hardly I am a peace giving simple tender hearted man trying to share all the worlds treasures in one day.I feel my body age and I know my clock is ticking.I can see the changes in others too.I realize that so many other people had dreams that they set out to do and because of circumstances beyond their control they fell short of their life long dream.Is it because they didn't have what it takes to succeed.Is it they lost their direction and settled for less.Could it be life dealt them a raw hand and no matter what they did it didn't matter much.I think it could be some weird combination of all of the above.How far will I travel until my journey has also come to an abrupt hault.I have always been a positive person and in the world that I live it is far from an honorable trait.You have better have a lot of good reasons and the thick skin of an elephant to stand up to the most obnoxious crowd.Because they will bring you down like a childs blocks of wood stacked too high.For a while all looked good and positve that things were looking up.But then the uinexpected happened in a mili second all came tumbling down.Soon there was nothing left of what once stood a monument of fame.A tower of pride and the bold fearless energy to make all things happen.So as we do one of two things push the blocks aside and begin again.Sometimes it is so much easier to forget we even tried and save your cries for anther time that means so much more.This is only the short version of one of my days and the thoughts that I think that will never fade.I look to the sky and wonder how many colors it holds.I wonder if I could capsure just a little peace of that beauty in my mind then I know I would be fine.I would have the most colorful thoughts that any artist would emmulate with his skills and talents.I then again look farther into the minds of others.Where do they find peace.Some people are set in their ways and will try everything to be destructive to themself and everyone they come in contact with.So I stay as far away as I possibly can and wonder what sadness could they possibly hold within.I see the youth of the ages and the priceless secrets they keep hidden beneath their sweet innasence and wonderful beauty.Where did it go and how have we lost our true love for life as we grew older.How come we let our minds take in the worst of all fears and make our life turn from glorious to gloom and doom.I turn to the domesticated animals that hold that living energy and spirit.I try to imagine what they think and knowing that they can never be much more than a sidekick to what we are.They live their life in the balance of our decisions and they can live or die without any say.How much love they bring and how much hurt and pain they must see.When we have all the talents that can make any dream come true and we waste it like a cup of soup that spilled on the floor.Their is no changing the situation at hand and what is done is done.All we can do is go on from here.That's where I am now and that is what direction I am heading so if you have endless dreams and bountiful energy and want to challange everything in life that you see.Only to make it better than it ever was and can take on the world that fights until no one is left standing.Come away on my journey and make your way to peace in the land of heaven.


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