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The Top 10 Worst Pet Peeves Ever (How to Control Your Annoyances)
The Worst Pet Peeves
There are so many pet peeves that it's easy to lose track of them.
I know there are many common ones, but there are also some no one might have. For example, below are my pet peeves and I'd like to know if you feel the same about them:
- Screaming children especially in restaurant/movie theater
- People who tailgate or cut me off in traffic
- Repetitive language and pronouncing words like idea and it sounds like "idear"
- People who talk too much and don't know when to stop
- Women or men who dress inappropriately either for their age or size
- Parents who let their children ran rampant when out shopping
- People who don't say thank you when I hold the door for them or anytime a thank your or you're welcome should be said but isn't
I have many more little things that drive me crazy but those above are my biggest pet peeves.
Dealing With Annoyances
So how do we deal with all of these nuisances?
Normally they never get to that point where they drive us completely insane. If it does, then there's something else going on that probably caused the extreme annoyance. Pet peeves are a part of everyday life and they'll never go away.
The main thing to be mindful of in this case is how you deal with and control the situation. What do you do when a kid is screaming at a restaurant? Do you ignore it or confront it?
Once again we go back to correcting others. This time the focus isn't on the mistake but on the action they perform, and the response is similar.
We can choose to avoid the nuisance, which many people do or we could stand up to someone and confront or correct them. The effects of that confrontation will once again vary greatly.
In the instance of the parent and child, saying something negative about their kid usually doesn't end great.
Some parents are very protective over their children and anything badly said could drive them crazy. In fact their pet peeve might be when other people complain to them about their kids.
It's kind of interesting how our pet peeves may be a trigger to someone else's nuisance.
How Common Mistakes Can Be Triggering
Let me get this out of the way first - sleet is not hail!
I tend to be more of a perfectionist and when people make such glaring mistakes about a topic I know a lot about it just drives me crazy.
Sleet cannot happen in the summer and hail normally does not happen in the winter unless you live in the deep south or the tropics where all four seasons are similar anyway.
Hail usually occurs during a strong thunderstorm where updrafts lift water droplets into the air, which become super-cooled as they enter below freezing air.The newly formed ice balls go through a series of updrafts and downdrafts in the thunderstorm that help grow the ice ball further.
Once the ice becomes too heavy for the storm to lift up, then it all comes down in the form of hail. Sleet on the other hand is ice crystals that start to come down, enter a warm layer in the lower atmosphere, and refreeze as they hit another cold layer just above the surface.
I'll include a couple of links for a better, in-depth explanation of the differences between sleet and hail. I feel perplexed to correct people that get this wrong, but I notice a lot of other people usually let things be.
My pet peeve doesn't necessarily involve the scientific processes of sleet and hail but rather that people are okay with making those mistakes. I'm a perfectionist so even the smallest mistakes irk me, but it's a lot deeper than that and it has to do with all of us.
Should We Correct Mistakes?
When people make a mistake do we take the time to address it or do we let it go.
This mistake could involve anything from a grammatical error or a factual error. I'll go through some examples below and I ask that people reading this ponder whether they would correct or ignore these errors.
- Spelling error: Writing out the word hopital rather than hospital
- Grammatical error within this sentence: Amy and me like going to the mall to buying clothes.
- Factual error: The capital of the United States is New York City.
- Location error: China is in the continent of Europe.
Did any of those errors make you feel uncomfortable? Would you go out of your way to correct someone if you heard them say any of those in public? It's an interesting thing to think about because it challenges how we relate to others and how we view ourselves.
We also have to keep in mind how comfortable we are addressing those errors to a complete stranger. There may be repercussions when trying to correct others. From my experience, anytime someone tried to correct someone else it didn't end well.
People who make mistakes don't want to hear they're wrong, and I would question their mindset if they say it doesn't bother them. I don't like being corrected sometimes and there's no shame in admitting it, but when I think about it I would rather be informed than stuck in my own way.
Should We Correct People?
I asked if we should correct them, but now I want to know why we don't correct them and what that means.
A bunch of questions could be extracted from the subject such as: are we afraid of what others will say or do, are we too anxious to correct them, do we simply not care that they're wrong, and should I waste my time correcting them?
I don't correct others due to a combination of their repercussions and my anxiety. I don't feel comfortable telling a stranger that they're wrong, but I try to gauge who they are before passing judgement.
If the person seems friendly and open, then I'll think twice about not correcting them. If they're the opposite, then I definitely won't say anything.
What would you do?
This isn't something people normally think about until it happens. When it happens, all of those questions come back up and you question yourself. A lot of personality and character traits are revealed depending on what a person chooses.
We get various traits and characteristics like shyness, quietness, extroversion, conversationalist, apathetic, and many more.
There's so much depth in something that seems so insignificant, but it really does reveal who we really are.
What Kind of Person Are You?
Do you get annoyed with every little thing or does nothing bother you?
If nothing bothers you, then kudos to you because I wish it could be that simple. I'd love if nothing every bothered me because there would be less of a mental blockage that I would have to overcome.
I like to be informed about anything I don't know, which is why I have a problem when people don't correct others' glaring mistakes. It sounds hypocritical when I refuse to do it, but not everyone deals with the issues I do.
There are plenty of talkative, extroverted, and hyperactive people that love talking to strangers. Why can't they fix people's mistakes?
That is my train of thought and it's why I'm bothered by things like people calling sleet hail. It doesn't apply to everyone, and I encourage others to share their thought process because it invokes deeper discussions.
Everyone is different and they all have their own philosophical stance on everything. So while I get annoyed when people call sleet hail, I realize I can't get angry at those who let it go because they have their own way of thinking. It's what makes us unique individuals.