Why Mona Lisa Wasn't Really Smiling
Smile Mona ..... as big as you like
Hard to Hold a Smile for an Entire Day
Back in the day (before our high/higher technology) one had to sit for the artist to paint a portrait of oneself. My guess is that it could possibly take a day or more. How it must be difficult to sit that still and in perfect accordance to where and how the painting first started out.
Much like in our lives, we start out with one way or agenda and any move or change( no matter how small) is noted and often critiqued by the ones that are trying to hold one to that mold or picturesque life and thoughts.
Not that our friends and family don't want great things for us and wish us the utmost happiness and pleasures in life, maybe it just confusing to them. Human nature seems to dictate that change is negative and not a good thing.
My thoughts: change takes energy, and not just in the physical but in the minds of those that have a hard time with the " go with the flow" attitude. There isn't a manual for this. Some people just either will not allow themselves to be happy, free from guilt, obligations that are not theirs to own , and last but not least, those that need to control everything within their path, due to the deepest of out of control feelings.
When I realized, that even when our society are privy to still shot camera images. People are still not really smiling. It appears they are still conditioned to not spread a sun shiny smile . Of course if they are all that unhappy, I personally wouldn't want them the spend the energy. However I remember asking my grand parents as a child " why is everyone so unhappy?" The reply (and I accepted this , at that time) "We had to be still" I gather it was easier to be still without the smile :)
No matter how slow our intake is with change, there is probably no dispute that it will occur. We can either smile about it and try to find good reason to or be in dismay and fight it with all our mind and might ...................... but why would we? Oh because many just do not like change.
Change is what makes a difference. Change is what our society has built itself on. Change is only a negative if it hurts another or ourselves. If not for a change in season or a change of heart and thought..... We would never know what feels great and correct in the first place.
May everyone feel something good , do something great...... for yourself and others. If not sure what that might be...... whatever hasn't worked in your past... change it up and be courageous and do something different. It just might be the change that is right for you.