What Only She Will Ask!
I got home a little late and much too tired to eat a meal
crawled upstairs into my bed, for sleep I knew would heal
I was out and sound asleep,but she whispered, " I know its late,
but would you love me still, if I put on alot of weight ? "
" If I were in an accident and both my legs were gone
would you find me still attractive, would love be just as strong ? "
My eyes were very heavy, my thoughts confused and slow
I could not help but wonder, from where do such questions grow?
" If my face became disfigured, would you love me anyway,
would you see me just the same, or would you turn away? "
Sleep was tugging at my brain and I could not answer straight,
I asked if all these questions, possibly could wait ?
" What if I were paralyzed and we could never have sex again
would you love me anyway, or would you leave me then ? "
The sleep was driven from me and I bolted from the bed
the terror seized my senses, fear pounded in my head
" Yes my sweet, I'd love you, disfigured and overweight
and I would love you still, if sex were off the plate."
It takes such little assurance to satisfy her heart
she sleeps in peaceful bliss, as I shudder in the dark!