Writer's Challenge from Billybuc: Woman on the Mountaintop
I told a little white lie to my friend, Bill Holland (Billybuc) who published a photo of his wonderful wife, Bev, standing on a mountaintop in the Cascades and issued a challenge. The challenge was, by using the photo as our inspiration, to write some inspirational thoughts. I told Bill that we were entering our busy season at work and that I would not be able to accept his challenge. However, sometimes one’s soul clears the calendar and gives the needed kick in the fanny. I have said many times on HubPages that I am not a poet. I don’t even read a lot of poetry, so I don’t have the slightest idea why my muse decided organize my thoughts in this manner. Call it free verse if you wish because it is definitely void of poetic pentameter, just loving thoughts.
The Fulfillment
A woman stands on a mountaintop
overlooking the peaceful sea
surveying the sights around her:
The clouds, the azure sky,
and mountain birds that fly by
She marvels at how she arrived
at the pinnacle so high.
Such climb to discourage
ones of the faint hearted,
some to become soon departed
In Happier Days
The career she loved so much,
gone to a country far away
where she could not go.
It was hard to lift her head,
facing the life she now led.
Her family so dear now gone to her,
betrayed by husband she loved,
children removed from her life.
Oceans of love gone
in a mere heartbeat.
Each day held less to greet.
In a churning sea of total despair,
she wondered how she arrived
at that point in her life.
By grief so consumed,
no love in her bosom bloomed
Spiritual healing music - Ceremony to Mother Earth
Then one day the spirit spoke to her.
“You are my child,” Spirit said.
"Lift your head and do miracles,
know that I love you.
Yourself, you must love, too."
Love myself, how can I
do this, she questioned?
Is not that serving myself
would be a sin so tall?
Serving others is the noble call.
But the woman heeded her soul
as it explained her path.
To give of yourself to others,
first take care of yourself
then you will have strength left.
To walk the mighty path
that is narrow and steep.
Where reward springs forth
from the mighty fountain,
strong at the top of the mountain.
The woman took ownership
of building her new life.
On top of the mountain,
she surveys the calm sea
of life she never dreamed to be.