Writing Your Book
Our Self Publishing Experience
If you dream of writing your own book begin it today! This year I actively participated in the editing parts of a self published book. It gave me a window of observation to gain insight as to exactly how it can be done with success in a relatively short time.
Most of us dream about doing this someday. Why wait any longer? Do you have enough written already but wonder how you can get it out to the world? Is time of the essence to you? First research your subject by looking at the books on the market already in your particular field of choice. Learn whether your book will be in a popular genre before deciding to publish. Check to see if your particular slant on an idea is already in print. If so, make some changes so that you present an original theme which is unique.
My husband quickly became interested in a particular medical subject after his diagnosis several years ago. He already had been writing another book for ten years but suddenly his life was under the microscope. He was dealing with his own life or death situation. His desire to be an author was one of the reasons I admired him so much when we first met. He suddenly needed to research a subject which could change his life. It became a great reason to finally get published. He is a productive writer and could easily write fiction too but this sudden face to face visit with important choices launched him into the world of writing like nothing ever before. He felt an urgent need to process the information which he researched for himself in order to share it with the rest of the world and perhaps save some lives.
Do you have a subject which interests you and keeps calling you to write? Hub pages is a wonderful place to begin your journey in writing. It is great to get comments and suggestions about your subject and topics of interest here. Maybe you have been here for awhile and in fact have a notebook filled with the drama of your first novel which still needs some rewrite and final edit. It is time to take it off the shelf or out of that box in the garage and examine your dusty manuscript.
Update your research on your subject and add any recent details which you deem necessary to enhance your theme. Next take a stand for yourself within your very soul. Only reveal your plans to publish to your closest and most trusted friends. Many will disagree with your potential and even argue with your chosen subject if your topic stirs their opinion. This takes a strong will to be open to valuable editing critique but to protect your young Fledgling Book from getting trampled.
After researching the internet he decided to trust his project to an online publisher which could design his book cover to enhance his work. Covers are extremely important. The book cover turned out beautiful. The colors were just right and the author detail was presented in a clear and professional manner all sized to the cover space with a professional presentation. . He decided to go with an online publisher after doing his research. We suggest this publisher to you too. HERE IT IS. This is the best one we found with a wide choice of options. In fact, they actually can make a video presentation for you to present your book. They are perfect for you to tailor the amount of work you prefer for them to perform for you.
At this point I believe that writing and publishing your book is half the work. Expect to promote your book for sales both in person at book signings at book stores within a day's drive of your home. Internet advertising and promotion blogs all are helpful to inform the public about your subject. Local newspaper articles are another plus for sales promotions.
The more you know about how to promote your book early will help tremendously. The first book is quite a trip to remember! You definitely learn a lot of new information and are faced with decisions so plan ahead. A Professional publisher's guide lines and Marketing Consultation is very important.
Being in charge of your own book is the best reason to self publish. It means you do not have to compromise your order of subjects and content. You can work at your own pace setting your publishing date to fit your writing schedule. Your book can be placed on Amazon in hard back, paperback and of course e-book too. We are working to make sure our local health food stores have enough copies of the book and always take some to lectures. Brain storming about promotion is a necessity for success.
Waiting until your life is perfect or until the children grow up is wasting your precious time and chance to become active in producing your dream novel. Even children are publishing books these days and I commend their parents and teachers for supporting their imagination and creativity.
- How a Self-Published Author Sells Thousands of Books on Kindle and Earns Millions - Publish with Ama
At 26 years old Amanda Hocking is doing what the rest of writers dream of. Writing for a living and earning money. How much money you may ask? Well, it is estimated that she earned about 2 million this past year with her books
Write Your Own Book
- Writer on the Run
Go ahead and rise early so that you have plenty of time to be organized. I love to write and to paint so planning is an important part of my busy week.This hub mentions my thoughts about time and strategy.
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