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Writing is Like Breathing to Me

Updated on March 31, 2022
Karen Hellier profile image

Karen Hellier is a freelance writer. She currently lives happily in the mountains of North Georgia with her husband and her dog.

Taking a break from cruising to write in my cabin on the Sapphire Princess cruise to Hawaii. Check out the shirt and the shell necklace. Definitely in cruise mode, but still writing!
Taking a break from cruising to write in my cabin on the Sapphire Princess cruise to Hawaii. Check out the shirt and the shell necklace. Definitely in cruise mode, but still writing! | Source

It has taken me 52 years to figure out not only do I want to be a writer, but I am one. Well, since I am 52 years old, I can’t say it has really taken me 52 years to realize this. After all, I could not realize I loved to write at the age of 3 or 5…but once I won my first poetry contest at age 10, I knew it in my heart. I wonder why it has taken me 42 years then to figure out that I need to write just as I need to breathe. I have always loved to write. It started with poems. Then when I hit high school, writing in my journal become very important. I had a journal all through my teen years, into college, and even in my first years as a new mom. When life got busier, and I didn’t have as much time to write in my journal, I channeled my passion for writing into a website for at home moms on how to save money, then a newsletter for the same, and a newsletter for customers for a grocery store I worked for as a consumer advocate. I stopped writing when I got a full-time job out of necessity in a high school. I missed it, but couldn’t find the time or a place in my world to add writing. And then I found HubPages, blogging, and Textbroker all at about the same time.

The Blog

I started a blog about the experience of second marriage and how I am so happy in this marriage I wanted to share it with the rest of the world. I am fortunate that my second husband supports me in this because this blog has become a window into our life together. Not many men would be comfortable with this, so I do know how very fortunate I am. This blog has stemmed from a theme that I used when we were first dating and all the way through our relationship. I often told him that our relationship has made me so happy that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. And now, with the blog, I am able to do so. I share adventures that we have together, some big and some small with the rest of the world. I don’t have that many followers as of yet, but I do have regular readers who read my blog entries and make comments to me about them in person or through emails. Some share my experience in their own happy second marriages and some are just happy for me and comment to me about that. It feels wonderful to be able to share my happiness with others in this way.


I also have discovered HubPages as a way to express myself. What I enjoy most about HubPages is the freedom to write about whatever I want. I have a lot to say to the world, and I can say anything I want within reason, and get it published and promoted to the rest of the world through the Internet on HubPages. That feels so wonderful. And of course, the fact that HubPages provides the opportunity to allow writers to make money not only from HubPage ads but also Google Adsense is a bonus. It makes me feel as though this passion that I have for writing can also help provide financial support, and that is a very enlightening prospect.


After I had been on HubPages for awhile, I read articles by other HubPages writers who had been making money on Textbroker. I was at first too nervous to even apply to Textbroker because the site requires a writing sample before a writer can work for them. Finally, when my previous job was coming to an end, I bit the bullet, applied to Text Broker and included my writing sample. Within twenty-four hours, I had a positive response and was able to begin accepting writing assignments for which I get paid by the word. The first check I received from Text Broker was only for $55 but was quite a day for celebration because it was the very first time I was paid for my writing. With the blog and HubPages, I get paid due to advertisements next to what I write. Textbroker was actually paying me for the content I wrote. This to me was validation that could write well enough to be paid for it. And also the first time I felt like a professional writer. It was a very exciting moment for me. I must add here though that writing for Textbroker is quite different than the writing I do for myself. It is an assignment given by someone else who hires the writer to write on a certain topic. Although I enjoy the freedom to choose what I want to write about more than assignment writing, assignment writing is guaranteed money for each word I write. And I am certainly learning a lot through assignment writing. For instance, I did not know very much about the background of the author E.L. James, known to most of you who wrote the now famous book, “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Nor did I know much of anything about water heaters, "The Eagles" rock band, air pollution in Los Angeles, or what is on the menu at a particular restaurant in Mallorca. I am much more knowledgeable now on all of those subjects. Textbroker has helped me not only to earn money but broaden my knowledge on many subjects, so it is equally beneficial to me as a writer.

I Need to Write

Now that I have been in the habit of writing for nine months, I have found that I need to write to be able to express myself, like the human body needs air to breathe. If I don’t have time in my day to write, it weighs heavily on me. I feel stifled, as though someone is holding me under water and I can’t breathe without being able to write and express my thought and feelings. My mind can’t truly rest or relax without the ability to left my thoughts out. I am currently on vacation with my husband on a 28 day cruise. He suggested I leave my computer behind because it is quite expensive to get online to write every day. But I would not hear of leaving my computer behind. I told him that I didn't need to get online, but I needed to write. Not having access to writing every day would feel like ripping my right arm off and storing it at home while the rest of my body tried to go on a relaxing, enjoyable vacation. I could not do it. I am currently sitting in my stateroom on the cruise ship the Sapphire Princess, typing away as I look beyond the balcony windows to see the waves of the sea rolling by, and feel the gentle rolling of the waves rock the ship. I’m not online as I write these thoughts, but will probably go on weekly throughout the trip to publish what I have written. Instead, I use it offline to write…to process my experience and write about the beauty that we have seen on this trip. Bringing my computer along to write has added much enjoyment to my experience. I could never have left behind the tool which has helped give voice to my heart, soul, and mind over the last nine months, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Yes, I need to write now, as I need to breathe. And the understanding of this has changed my life forever.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2012 Karen Hellier


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