Searching for my Missing Muse
Fellow Writer Inspires Me
I need to thank John Hansen, aka Jodah from Hubpages, for inspiring me to write a poem. I've been in a very long writer's block in terms of poetry. A big thanks to John and my lakeside view for unlocking my poetry muse.
Nature Inspire's my Writing
Writer's Block
Do you have times when you have writer's bock
Breaking Writer's Block
Unleash my Missing Muse
Where have you been hiding my friend
it's been too long for me,
The Yearning's there but can't come out
I need to set you free.
Feelings and Emotions
like butter churning fast,
Melt me from this prison
to end this shadow's cast.
This painful drought is lonely
my soul can bear no more,
Break my poem muse sentence
and let my word smith soar.
Nature is a Great Way to Inspire Poetry
Start Writing,
no matter what.
The water does not flow
until the faucet is turned on.
— Louis L 'Amour© 2017 Linda Rogers