You Are A Ballad
You Are A ballad
There is poetry in my head and in my heart since I have been in love with you
You are a poem...
What sort?
An ode...
Or a sonnet?
For they are too ponderous and contrived.
But you...
You are a tempo dancing on the breeze,
A cacophony of apostrophies,
A metaphor manipulated melifluously
Into a sort of a ballad
That tells a tale...
And I long to be in it as it unfolds,
For it to lyricize of love...
Of how butterflies take flight and swirl at your sweet smile,
Your eyes dancing to the rhythm of your words
And I, floating on the lilt of your inflection.
How irresistibly my mouth finds yours
And there is perfect eloquence in the silence of our moving lips.