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Your Body is Your Work of Art

Updated on May 19, 2019
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Yasmeen is an amateur writer, poet, and photographer, with an interest in discussing social issues.

“We have become shattered; by the iniquity of the world, a battle against humanity, and the superiority of the bad, and nothing else at all”

Body shaming is not just some modern issue that people are suffering from nowadays! There are so many women and men who are not being accepted in society just because of their number on a scale! The issue is that most people don’t understand that a body is not a number; it is a work of art, that a person has the full freedom to paint it the way they want to, because it is their own and nobody has any right to intervene and impose new rules and drawing techniques into it.

Not being able to be what everyone around is becoming, is exhausting people and their bodies, when they try to change and become someone they are not, which it makes people anxious and worried that they are not good enough to even be alive, that leads into more serious issues. Besides the fact that it is exhausting, it also pollutes the environment with negative thoughts and low self-esteem, which would lead other generations to not be functioning well, because of the bad image that became mandatory. So, when they think about themselves or even look at the mirror, they just hate themselves.

Either females or males are driven by the idea that their body must meet the fixed measurements of society or T.V industry that polishes bodies and turn them into copies just to raise views, and frankly speaking; that is not normal at all!
Yet, girls and boys still can’t see that their body is here to help them perceive the bright meaning of life. They are not meant to bring torture and anxiety into their lives, and simply not to require them to be a copy of idealized images and be just like everybody else. Because having the same shape and size is just a waste of this art, and they eventually lose the characteristics that are eternally beautiful and make them who they are!

Most of the time, society gets into the heads of girls and women; leading them into thinking that they must lose weight, it leads them into mistaking the idea that once they gain weight; they will not become worthy of beauty, and they are no longer actually accepted in the eyes of society, which is simply a myth that ruined confidence and sabotaged their self-esteem, Because discrimination is not in color, ethnic or religion. It is also in body shape! And so many people would be body-shaming each other along with the conversation by giving advice regarding future health.

It should be noted, that this doesn’t happen directly, but it is realized in so many situations. But on the other hand, zero size girls won’t escape from the judgment either! They get also judged for being skinny. So, what you get from all of that, is the fact that no one is totally acceptable! They are either too skinny that they are not appealing or too fat that they are body-shamed!

Moreover, Feminist movements led to the awareness that everybody is beautiful, good enough and worthy of being accepted in society; no matter what numbers are being set on a scale! So, in that regard, in the late 1960s, there was a movement that came up in order to fight the social discrimination attitude, called the “Fat pride” or “The Fat Acceptance Movement”! It seeks to demolish the hurtful attitudes toward extra weight and obesity. But it faced too many criticisms along the way, for encouraging people to remain fat and not take enough care of their health.

Well, indeed, some people have mistaken this movement, got carried away, and stopped taking care of their health and body nutrition at all in that excuse, and did not mind consuming unhealthy food just to align with the movement. The idea of that movement was to demolish the social norm, and not to neglect the importance of body health, nutrition and healthy energy that fuels the body to do the work!

“You are not alive to pay bills and lose weight” - Unknown

Simply, fight the discrimination and stop underestimating people with extra weight, and kill the social harming acts.

© 2019 Yasmeen Ghazal


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