a doll named fragile
I was about 6 when the package arrived. It was in a mailing carton with all the appropriate cautions to the post-people, like "Handle With Care". But the notice which grabbed my fancy was "Fragile". The box was addressed to me 'in care of' mother, so I made sure it was all right for me to open it. It was, and when I beheld the contents - a lovely bisque-porcelain "Storybook" doll - I thought it was her name and suited her perfectly! "Fragile" she was and I treasured her dearly.
Looking back, one notices influences from events and experiences, large and small, which at the time simply were contained within themselves, no more, no less. But this experience with a lovely thing with a fragile being and existence made an impression on me. I've thought about "Fragile" many times since then and wondered how many of my attitudes and awarenesses she influenced.
Each fragment
Is the whole.
Each moment
Is eternity.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Not Yet Full Circle
In the woods
Doors not yet carpentered
Squeak eerily
On hinges not yet forged,
As unwarmed winds
Enter in and bluster through
Future homes of
Creatures not yet born.
They are ghosts of mortals
Not yet laid
Into the Earth in caskets
Not yet crafted
Out of woods.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
It happens:
Spring unfolds,
Causing itself
Without strain.
A soul becomes
By being;
Moved and mover
Are the same.
Alpha, Omega,
Beginning end,
First, last,
This, that;
ALL - the same.
Differentiated momentarily
That seer might be seen,
That word may be heard,
That Love might experience itself.
The new addition to the Universe,
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Being me
Is almost
Scarcely conscious,
Effortless, simple,
How does it ever
Become snarled?
I cannot recall that
Very well
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The sails
Be calmed.
I cannot read the wind
But when it stirs again,
It will be clear.
To tack the slightest breeze,
The sails be free.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
There is nothing better
Than what is,
Even if what is
Is an ache for
What is not.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Distance really is relative.
A six-inch wall
Can be further away
Than half a continent.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
A satin trap.
A velvet trap.
May be
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Accepting life
And loving it as it is
Is the fountain of youth,
The well-spring
Of eternity.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Sting & Julio Iglesias : Fragile
Crest my soul
Upon pinnacles
Of love and trust.
It is safe
To give and take
And to be filled,
To lap shore
Then trickle back
To sea once more,
Vital nourishment
Dissolved within
Of thyself.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
There is, then,
A suddenness
Of feeling
Are you aware of it, too?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Heaven is
Knowing when
Found it
______© Nellieanna H. Hay