Poems: Sleeping Dream
All of my inspirations seem to come in the middle of the night. Not sure why, but I believe it's mostly because otherwise my brain has so much other stuff going on around it during the day, it has no time to stop and feel inspired or think about writing. I got up out of bed because otherwise the words to this poem were not going to leave my mind and my soul. At the time, I felt so sure that all my dreams were being revisited and on the cusp of coming true and even though I've backed down a little bit, they are still there. Life may seem to be on hold for whatever reason, but our dreams never leave our spirit. Despite how down we may feel and how battered our dreams and goals become, they are ours to make happen and I believe as long as you don't give up, your dreams are never far from being real. I believe this poem was more to help me, than to be of help to someone, but either way, I'm glad I wrote it. I'm glad I followed through with the urge to get out of bed and write about how I felt late one night while everyone in the house slept peacefully. Otherwise, I wouldn't have slept peacefully at all, and my body would not get sleepy until this poem was finished. This is also one of my favorite works.
Wake up! Wake up! Sleeping dream
You sweet sleeping thing
It’s time to rise and shine
Someone has been waiting for you to arrive
Wake Up! There is life in you yet
For if there weren’t you wouldn’t still exist
Poor dream, I know you’re tired, been told this, promised that, been given support to see it snatched right back
I know you’ve been feeling forgotten, put down, mistreated, underappreciated, and mistrusted
I understand
But to everything there is a season, a purpose under the heavens, and you are definitely in God’s plan
So get up, get going, someone’s waiting for you to arrive
This moment is your purpose and God’s season is at hand
I bet when you laid down last night you didn’t realize you’d wake up to your time….
Your time to encourage, inspire, invoke love, hope, joy, and the conception of a little dream just like you
I bet every night you went to sleep you didn’t think you’d ever awaken and take your place in this world
Well, now you have so I’m pushing you to get up and go
It’s never too late
Rise to the occasion, show them what you’re made of, give it all you’ve got
But no boasting, no pride, no arrogant face
Just kindly show the world you’re taking your place
And don’t be afraid to share your space with another dream, or two
In fact, hook up with as many beautiful dreams as you can before your life is over
Only God knows what dreams may become when joined together
Yes sweet dream, your time has finally arrived
And this day that the Lord has made is yours to shine, through and through
No longer a sweet sleeping dream
You’re finally a dream come true
© 2009 Keneesha Hodge-Shorter