What's your most favourite and least favourite word?

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  1. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 14 years ago

    What's your most favourite and least favourite word?

    My fave is 'love'
    My least fave is 'holistic'!


  2. Cracknutcase profile image72
    Cracknutcaseposted 14 years ago

    My favourite word is "Strength" and Least fav one is

  3. Sarah Masson profile image60
    Sarah Massonposted 14 years ago

    The word that honestly makes me cringe is "meal" ARGHHHH!!!! I also hate the word "Dollop" GEEEEEZzzzzz!! I could say about ten more haha. But I do enjoy the word "wire"

  4. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 14 years ago

    Favorite word is "approach". Least favorite word is "utilize"

  5. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 14 years ago

    Utilise...dollop!!  hehe...not my faves either.

    Wire, approach..nice...

  6. brit8741 profile image60
    brit8741posted 14 years ago

    My favorite word is... Tacklebox. Just say it out loud a few times. My least favorite word is the F-bomb. It just sounds crude, no matter where it comes from. I'm also not fond of Mittens.

  7. profile image0
    surlyoldcatposted 14 years ago

    I have three words/phrases that I truly despise, thanks to the Oprah, SPringer, Povitch dumsh*ts:
    "You Go GIrl", "Soulmate", and "Tae Bo" Makes me wanna fling icky things at stupid people!

    Now words I lkie? Anything that has no real meaning or is pure nonsense. "Splorg", "Gliffleplatz", and "Fareglegehnargabargle" all make me smile. They have absolutely no meaning, are purely made up and just sound silly. Win words all around.

  8. What Is Q profile image72
    What Is Qposted 14 years ago

    My favorite word is bloody, when used as an expletive.  Least favorite is ridiculous, which I find bloody difficult to pronounce correctly.

  9. profile image50
    Andy the Greatposted 14 years ago

    I make up my own words quite regularly to express an emotion. I have since I was a kid.

    For instance:
    Zagadouche "zag ah doosh". I say it when something good is happening, or if I complete a task I've been working on for awhile.
    Ballzak "ball zack". Something bad just happened. It started with balls and despite what anybody thinks, "sack" never had a place there.

    It's like speaking in tongues to most people, but without the seriousness that religion attaches to it.

    Ds, Gs, Vs, Bs, and Os are warm sounds. Ts, Ss, Ks, and Ps are cold sounds. There's no real formula for it, but I don't cuss nearly as often as most people I know. Gibberish is more whimsical than profanity. Nobody gets offended by it, and it sometimes starts a conversation.

    Sometimes I'll have one going for so long that it evolves. When I was a kid with a cold, I'd call for "Bom" instead of mom. It changed to Bob. Then as I got older, I added the affectionate -le ending to make it Bobble. "Hey Bobble. How's it going".

  10. againsttheodds profile image60
    againsttheoddsposted 12 years ago

    I probably have more least favorites than favorites.  One of them is the expression "holy cow" which can most often be heard in sports broadcasts.  These announcers are getting paid big money to narrate the game in an elegant manner and many times drop to the standard "holy cow" when someone hits a grand slam or makes it to the endzone.  I'm sure "holy cow" has some pertinent origin but I cannot be bothered to check.  Sticking with sports, I probably like the Spanish Goooooollllll  in futbol, but the duration and intensity of Gol! should be metered to the importance of the game and the goal.  A World Cup elimination match penalty kick win deserves a "Gol" until the announcer is out of breath, while a standard Mexican league game celebration should be limited.  Another least favorite word is "buggy" when used as a shopping term.  It is called a shopping cart.


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