What do you guys do when you have writer's block?

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  1. kmainka profile image60
    kmainkaposted 12 years ago

    What do you guys do when you have writer's block?

    I know what MY methods are for getting rid of writer's block. What about all of you out there? What are your "secrets"?

  2. echoe0021 profile image59
    echoe0021posted 12 years ago

    Listen to Tool or Chopin, that always seems to inspire me to write.

  3. JKenny profile image91
    JKennyposted 12 years ago

    Just write anything that comes into my mind, even if its rubbish. Sometimes, by doing that, your brain clicks into gear, its worked for me before.

  4. rcrm89 profile image62
    rcrm89posted 12 years ago

    Take a break or work on something else, then come back to it later.

  5. NatalieSack profile image61
    NatalieSackposted 12 years ago

    I give myself permission to write.  Often, a block for me is caused by guilt over spending time on creative stuff instead of "real work."  Acknowledging that creativity is at least as important as any other work in front of me, and giving myself permission to do it usually gets me going.

  6. Ironman1992 profile image60
    Ironman1992posted 12 years ago

    The only suggestion I have for getting rid of writer's block is to just walk away and come back much later. Take a break from writing and push it out of your mind to let your brain muscles rest, and then when you pick up where you left off, your brain may find fresh new ideas.

  7. cleaner3 profile image69
    cleaner3posted 12 years ago

    I use solitude, quiet calms the nerves lets the soul listen for your inner self to speak.  to much noise isn't good for the spirit to be able to have  creative vision.

  8. laurathegentleman profile image69
    laurathegentlemanposted 12 years ago

    This is a good question - I can't wait to see what other Hubbers do to get rid of writers block.

    I listen to music or flip through old magazines. I'm usually inspired by the most random things, so that sort of sensory overload actually helps me.

    Sometimes it also helps if I just put my head down and think. I forget about all the homework I haven't done, or the laundry that is piling up in the corner, or the carpet that needs to be vacuumed, and I just let my mind wander!

  9. Pamela N Red profile image82
    Pamela N Redposted 12 years ago

    Read magazines or newspaper for current events and trends. Exercise; the blood flowing helps get my creativity going again. Take a drive, it never fails every time I am on the highway I get ideas. Just don't write and drive, keep a recorder nearby.

  10. MojoDawg profile image60
    MojoDawgposted 12 years ago

    I sometime have this problem when I am overly tired, probably not a good time to write anyway, take some R & R time and come back refreshed.

  11. Marturion profile image60
    Marturionposted 12 years ago

    I keep 4 or 5 projects going on at once, so if one doesn't flow, i move to another.  If I'm blanking all across the board, I switch to research mode.  There is always something I need to know more about.  generally, after an hour or two of looking up random facts and figures, a thought crops up that won't be ignored, and away I go!

  12. larcaustin46 profile image67
    larcaustin46posted 12 years ago

    Writer's block for me usually means it's time to step away from the keyboard and think about something else for a while.  Sometimes solutions to a block come at the strangest times, when I'm in the middle of doing something completely unrelated. 

    When I'm having trouble coming up with ideas, I come here and read questions--there are some great ideas for Hubs here!

  13. Mmargie1966 profile image72
    Mmargie1966posted 12 years ago

    1.  When you dream, write them down as soon as you wake up. You can get ideas from your own night time journey.

    2.  Call friends and family just to chat.  Find out what's going on in their lives. Someone is bound to have something juicy to write about.

    3.  Take a break.  Don't think about it.  Go "people watch" mall or airport, see a movie, or attend a sporting event.  Something is bound to pop out at you.

    4.  Or, just watch the news.

  14. J.S.Matthew profile image80
    J.S.Matthewposted 12 years ago

    I recently wrote a Hub that offers 10 Tips To Overcome Writer's Block: http://jsmatthew.hubpages.com/hub/The-W … Block-Cure
    I have found them to be very helpful and I hope they are helpful to you!



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